Chapter 1-the arrival

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2nd pov

Sitting on your F/C bed in your parents house due to you just got out of university and you don't have a job but hopefully that will change soon.

Scrolling through job offers on your phone you felt like all of them are the same, but then you noticed one with a high pay and a free room you wondered why hasn't anyone taken the job yet instead of reading into it (honestly don't do this cause you might just have to work with serial killers) you decided to apply. You rang the asylum: (it's the middle of the night why would they pick up)


It was taking to long for your liking so you were about to hang up but then,
"This is the WesternBurg (Heathers) Asylum you have reached, how may we help you?"a young woman spoke,
"Hello, I'm calling for the job offer of a nurse and I was hoping to get a job interview",
"Oh that's wonderful, well if that's so your hired-"
You quickly cut her off, "hired on the spot? Don't I need a interview or something?"
"Well if we weren't so short staffed than yes but we will take nearly anyone due to people quitting so soon after meeting the patients..."
"Oh... I'm sure they're not that bad,"
The other woman cut you off, "well if you're happy to do the job than you'll be starting today at 6:30am and please pack up all your needed belongings and see you soon."

Just like that she hung up on you, now you finally got a job that you could use your degree but you didn't even have a job interview, how strange but you have a JOB and a free room to live in. Looking at the time 1:25am you decided you get yourself to look the best.

Time skip
After you got out of the shower you you got dressed in your best P/C, putting your H/L H/C hair up (if you can or want to). You check the time 3:30am you still got 2 hours to kill so you pack up all your needed items and clothes. It's a good hour to get there so it's better to get there early than late, after saying goodbye to your parent(s) you check the time one last time before setting off it's 5:00am so you get in your car and taking one final deep breath before driving to the asylum.

Time skip:
Your car met a gate you roll down your window and say your name and your purpose of coming here and there pitch black gate slowly opened revealing an old and eerie asylum with a long road going towards the building. Driving up the hill but when your about to reach the asylum a young man around 28ish with a thin moustache and a police outfit stopped in front of your car. He came to your window, you decided to roll your window,
"Hello miss, my name is deputy Riley and I'm sorry but any visitors without government permission at the moment is not allowed,"
"Oh I'm not here for a visit I'm here to be a nurse"
"Oh... oh, ok I'm sorry to keep you waiting miss, good luck"
After that he stepped away from the car allowing you to drive away but you couldn't help but think about the last thing he said 'good luck' why would you need luck but before you could think you parked. Getting out of your car you looked at the asylum this is going to be where you'll be staying for a while. Before getting your luggage you decided to sign in. Walking through the double door you seen how quiet it was with the slight sound of a woman talking from down the corridor. You decided to walk to the counter and a young woman looked up from her desk she looked tired and overworked, she gave you a slight smile:
"How can I help you?" It was the woman from the phone.
"Yes, I'm here for the nurse job" giving her a brief smile
"Ah yes, your name is Y/N L/N correct?"
You nodded, she started to gather up pieces of paper and handed you the gathered papers.
"Here is the schedule and files on each of the patients, your boss is waiting for you in his office on the far right he'll show you round and meet each of the patients, then you can get your luggage to take to your room"
"Ok thank you" you began to walk off but that the woman shouted the same thing Deputy Riley told you,
"Good luck!"
You started to walk to the office but you started to hear shouting in the cafeteria while you walked past it you got curious and opened the door to see...

This took ages to write this, and some parts might be confusing but I'll try and fix it. Have a good day and see you soon.

Word count-838 words

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