Chapter 4-call me maybe

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Hi I hope your having a great day and if not I hope it gets better, this is gonna be a long-ish chapter and thank you. :)

"As ready as I'll ever be..."
It was a long walk to get to the cell you and Anne didn't speak since you were caught up about what's happened so far nearly everyone you met here said 'good luck' to you, but everyone you've met-yes it was only two but it was the MICHEAL MYERS and JASON VOORHEES who defeated the FREDDY KRUEGER- while you were too caught up with your own thoughts you got snapped out of your trance (this keeps happening who knew) by hearing to men around your age laughing there heads off with a man groaning down the echoey (if that a real word? Idk and idc correct me if I'm wrong) corridor seemingly annoyed with them so it happens quite often. Anne stops making you bump into her back and she turned to you, you two were about to reach the next cell and she gave you a worried look
"Just a heads up the two in the next cell are a bit of a handful" you looked at her confused and then asked the question that's been in your back of your head since you looked at the cell placement,
"Why do they share a cell?" She nodded obviously a bit annoyed at your question,
"Well, they were partners in crime when they were not in the asylum so to help them we put them together"
"Wouldn't that be dangerous?" Anne sighed and then checked the clock: 11:45am (since there was a new nurse they didn't have any free time which annoyed some of the patients) before looking back at you,
"With some patients like Freddy or Dr Lecter but without a weapon or a real motive (example peer pressure I'm far to sensitive) they aren't that dangerous together but they are annoying together" you nodded as she turned around and as soon as you reached the glass screen blocking you from the patients you heard a gasp and a man shouting,
"Billy, BILLY the new nurses is like super hot!" Your face turned red due to the compliment and you faced the man that gave it, he was standing at around 6'3, short light brown hair with aquamarine eyes and was wearing a light yellow jumper and dark blue jeans, he was also sporting a huge grin. (In this story Stu survived getting a tv to the head and Billy didn't get shot in the head by Sidney) Then a second male came he was standing  at 6'0 had brown medium length hair, brown eyes and he was wearing a white t-shirt with black jeans, the man who you assumed was Billy had a small smirk growing on his face at the sight of you. You could feel their eyes on you they stayed quiet so you decided to break the silence,
"Hello my name is F/N L/N I'm the new nurse like you said (pointing to Stu) please may you introduce yourselves" smiling after trying to be as polite as possible, Stu was about to say something but he got nudged by Billy that was his sign of telling him to shut up,
"My name is Billy Loomis no reason to Doctor Loomis and the Shaggy rip off is Stu Macher" Stu interrupted
"It's I pleasure to meet you m'lady" I playfully bowed which made you giggle, which made the two young men blush a slight shade of red (isn't this just your day of making serial killers in an asylum blush) before you could say anything a loud and annoying bell went of,
"What's the bell for?" You asked Anne turning to her
"It means it's lunch" this statement made Stu cheer before once again getting a nudge but it was a lot harder since you were not looking in that direction, Anne begins to drag you out on the way towards the cafeteria you saw guards heading towards your patient's cells, Anne once again stopped to talk to you,
"Each table belongs to one of the nurses groups so you'll see all your patients on one table, the nurses have a separate table in the bottom right corner so just follow me"
"Why are guards only going towards my patient's cells?"
"Your patients are the only patients dangerous to have guards following them round to places like the cafeteria" you silently nodded and took one final deep breath before enter into the cafeteria to...

I'm sorry for having such a short chapter but I hoped you enjoyed. :)

Word count:783 words

Word count:783 words

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