Chapter 13-Intoxicating

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So I know I said I would make another one last week but I had complete lack of motivation plus I focused myself on more of true crime/real life serial killers (not in a romantic way because ew that's disgusting) and also Genshin impact and I may of had a bit of a phase with American horror story but I'll try and be better. Also thank you for 60k+ views, 1k+ votes and 40 followers! It really means a lot but on that note on with the chapter. Enjoy!

After having a brief conversation with Daniel and Norman, sadly once again the bell rang indicating the end of nurse and patient bonding time not only were you disappointed so was all YOUR patients, guards flooded the once somewhat room each to take out one of the patients with Hannibal getting his muzzle put back on, Chucky basically being put in a pet carrier and Billy + Stu being practically drag by the ear due to them arguing over something (or really someone hint hint nudge nudge) as you were watching them someone who you didn't see the face of
,  you swiftly turned around preparing to punch someone even if it was a xenomorph or Dalek (British show reference) but it was Anne who was practically jumping off the walls excitement you were confused to say the least and decided to ask her what it was about,
"Are you ok?"
"Yes more than ok"
"Would you like to expand on that"
Before she could answer Amanda I was behind her spoke instead,
"New patients and 1 new staff, you'll be looking after all the patients since both of you will be no I'll put you in the new staff together" oh ok you thought It would be nice to have some company that's not people who murdered people you just hope that the person hasn't straight up murder someone without reason, you Realise you need to do something now you quickly look your timetable it says FreeTime you get the truth why are you just finished your thoughts are with the Anne dragging you to wear the nurses are able to lounge and basically play games it was in the open field which had a clear divide that there was a small square is for the patients Who could watch the nurses play around like toddlers. Since you're outside and Robin and Amanda were setting up a game of rounders since they did not need your help you decided to rest on the fence when you noticed someone reading it was Hannibal without a glance he just stated,
"Hello Y/N" how did he know it was you-
" your aroma you have a very distinct and intoxicating aroma" you just went blank minded you and Hannibal sat in comfortable silence just staring at each other for a minute or two then I will coach you over where are your rounders game will begin and you will unknowingly get quite a big crowd...

Sorry this is very short but I just really want to get this out and it's literally 10 past midnight right now so see you soon...

Sorry this is very short but I just really want to get this out and it's literally 10 past midnight right now so see you soon

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