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What fictional relationship compare yours too

Hockey lover
-like I said when I wrote about how you met, you've been best friends since the womb
-so your guys' relationship is basically/exactly like Hermione and Ron's
-I know that they didn't meet until they were eleven but you get the idea
-after knowing each other for so long, you began to grow feelings for each other and BAM you were together

-Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
-it's like that because he's pretty good friends with Averman and over time while you were crushing over him, he began to fall for you

She's a duck not a lady
-Monica Geller and Chandler Bing
-you guys were best friends at first, but slowly and surely, after one kiss, maybe more than one, you got together

Cat lady
-Lily and Marshall from How I met your mother
-you two have a best friend kind of relationship but the really cute kind

Baby bash bro
-westley and buttercup from the princess bride
-you two are BASICALLY lovesick for each other like those two were

Bash bro 1
-okay, don't kill me but...
-either Harley Quinn and The Joker or Nate Jacobs and Maddy Perez
-only cause at first you guys were super, and I mean SUPER, toxic with each other
-tbh you still kinda are if you ask your friends

Bash bro 2
-Ross Geller and Rachel green from Friends
-basically the exact copy of them, just your relationship isn't off and on like theirs...

Speedy Cuban
-Andy Dwyer and April Ludgat from Parks and Recreation
-You two are basically like them, all though you don't act like April, Luis definitely acts like Andy sometimes...

Amazingly stupid
-Pam and Jim from the Office
-I mean you guys already act like them so🤷🏻‍♀️

-Cory and Topanga from Boy meets world
-you guys are basically soulmates for each other

Hopalong Gretzky
-you compare your relationship to Lucy and Ricky from I love Lucy

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