Chapter 25

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Xander's POV:

I was yanked from my peaceful slumber by a loud and heavy knock on my door.

It startled Doe as much as it startled me, our arms tightening around each other as soon as we both snapped awake.

She pushed herself up with a quiet groan, "What the hell?"

As soon as she was up, I followed her lead.

Groggy as I was, I knew that kind of knock when I heard it.

"I'm pretty sure it's Nico," I yawned, blinking away the drowsiness.

I don't think anyone had the ability to knock with that much force. Or have any reason to see me this early.

"Nico?" she looked like just the sound of his name caused her to be fully awake.

There was a moment of silence where I stared in confusion as to why that was before she scrambled into bed and bolted towards the bathroom.

"He doesn't get to see me dressed like this!" She exclaimed on her way.

I couldn't help but smile at her wording.

"Why not? You look good." I edged on.

It's not like she was completely indecent or anything. Most of the buttons were secure.

She stopped about a step from her destination, head whipping to face me.

"The entirety of my legs are showing!" she insisted as if every inch of them weren't flawless

Well, not the entirety. Most of my shirts at least went down towards the top half of her thigh.

But I couldn't argue with her beyond the single tease. Something inside me stirred at the thought of anyone else seeing her like this, yet that same thing was jumping for joy as the exclusivity I had of viewing her in such attire.

The knock came again, and I hurried and tore myself out of bed.

I waited till Doe was safely secure in the bathroom before opening the door to exactly who I was expecting.

I was prepared to give him one of my gushy overtly-affectionate brotherly greetings, but the look he had made those stop dead in my tracks.

He was angry, immensely so.

Getting met with those thin pupils from my brother so early in the morning certainly wasn't how I expected my day to go.

"I need your help," he spoke. The tension in his voice told how tightly he was holding himself together right now.

"Done," I assured before anything else, "With what?"

His jaw clenched and unclenched, evening out his breathing before answering.

"I need you to lead an interrogation."

"An interrogation?" I repeated.

Well, now I was fully awake.

"Yeah. I told Marcus to gather all of the slaves on this floor into the kitchen." He explained, which only lead me to become more confused.

An interrogation for someone on our floor? What did Nico get himself into?

"OK but... Why?"

Again, he took a moment to answer

If just talking about it was pushing him to his limit, then it must be bad.

"Someone drugged Khloe last night and I need to figure out who and why before I decide to take it out on literally every slave here," he bit, hands tightening around his upper arms

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