Chapter Five

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Pacing back and forth across the living room, Remi frowned as he turned to stare at the clock for the umpteenth time. For the first time in eight years , he was late for work, and it was thanks to the stranger in his house! He knew he couldn't leave her, not until he had introduced her to his housekeeper. He didn't want to risk returning home to find that she had stolen something. But it was past seven, and she was still asleep.

"Shouldn't you be on your way already?" Mrs Joke, his housekeeper, asked as she strolled into the room. He turned to her, noting the confused frown that creased her brows, making her appear older than her forty-five years. Tucking her hand into the pouch of the green apron around her waist, she stared at him.

"Yes, I should," he said, turning to walk past her.

He hurried to the guest room and knocked on the door, throwing courtesy to the wind; he didn't care if Sisi was asleep or not. Stepping back, he frowned at the firmly closed door. He knocked again, louder this time, until he feared he might pull the door off its hinges.

"Is there someone in there?" Mrs Joke called. He turned to find her standing in the corner. Ignoring her, he turned back to the door. "You're going to bring down the house if you keep knocking like that!"

Whirling around to offload his anger on her, he opened his mouth but closed it again when he heard the door opening. He turned back to it in time to watch the door give way to Sisi's swollen eyes, reddened by fatigue. Her drawn face was nearly shrouded by her scattered hair, and in that second, he almost felt sorry for her, until she opened her mouth.

"Yes?" she hissed, anger clouding her features as she glared at him.

The nerves! Straightening, he breathed, "I'm late."

"How is that my problem?"

His frown deepened. "Courtesy demands that I introduce you to my household before I leave," he half growled.,

"Oh..." The frown on her face eased as she blinked. "Can I have a minute to freshen up?"

"What you do not understand is that I don't have a second to spare—" The words had barely left his lips when she slammed the door in his face.

Fuming, he clenched his fists and turned stiffly around, almost knocking Mrs Joke down as he did. But he was too furious to notice as he made his way to the living room. Jesse lay sleeping on the couch, tired from waiting.

Who did Sisi think she was?—he mused. She came into his home, slept in his room rent free and had the audacity to disrespect him by not only ensuring his lateness to work, but by disregarding his complaints when he made them plain. Not only was he late, Jesse was late! It was apparent to him that Sisi lacked the basic courtesy and respect for everyone other than herself. She was selfish and downright rude and there was no doubt in his mind that after a month had gone by—if she was lucky enough to survive under his roof for that long—he would get rid of her!

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