Chapter Twelve

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TW: This chapter contains scenes of domestic violence and murder.

Jummy placed her hands on her hips, wincing as she straightened. She rubbed her aching waist; being pregnant came with a lot of discomfort, and when arduous chores like scrubbing the floors were involved, it came with pain.

She shoved the bucket with murky water to the side and wiped her hands on her apron, before turning to the door to the kitchen in search of a snack; she was famished. It was a wonder how she hadn't gained more than a few pounds with the way she ate lately, but what was even more surprising was the fact that her mother had failed to realize she was still pregnant.

Glancing down, she rubbed her little belly bump. She had kept her pregnancy concealed for several months after the evening her mother nearly forced her to take an abortion pill.

"The man at the chemist reassured me this would not be dangerous. If we are lucky, we can put this messy incident behind us and act like it never happened," Mrs Joke said, handing the pill to Jummy. Unwilling to be rid of her baby, she had pretended to swallow the pill by tucking it behind her tongue and swallowing some saliva.

But Jummy knew she couldn't hide a pregnancy forever; it would reveal itself, sooner rather than later, and she was certain mama would have her head for it. Still, she couldn't abort a child she had created with a man she loved—the only man she ever loved. Why couldn't her mother see that? Why was her mother so selfish and ambitious? With Mrs Joke, everything had to be about money; it was for money she was forcing Jummy into marriage to a man she could never love. Jummy could never marry Remi, and even if she could, she couldn't love him...

Nor could Remi love her, for he was falling in love with Sisi—Jummy smiled at the thought. Remi's feelings for Sisi were obvious, even if he fought to conceal them.

She reached the kitchen and pushed the door open, surprised to find Sisi at the isle munching on a cookie. Sisi raised her gaze, a smile lighting her features.

"Where is Mama?" Jummy asked hesitantly. She tried to act indifferent around Sisi because she knew her mother would kill her if she caught her socializing with Sisi.

"Oh, she said something about going to the market. You know she doesn't really say much to me." Sisi shrugged, then raised the cookie in her hand. "Come and have a cookie with me... if you are as hungry as I am, that is."

Jummy was beyond hungry. Lately, it felt like she was eating for ten. She hurriedly covered the distance between them and took a stool across from Sisi. Taking a cookie from the jar, she avoided Sisi's gaze as the chocolate melted on her tongue.

"I am glad you decided to keep the child," Sisi said, breaking the silence and sending a huge chunk of chocolate cookie down the wrong path of Jummy's throat.

Jummy hunched forward, choking, tears blurring her vision as she fought to stop coughing. Something grabbed her shoulders, forcing her upright and pressing a cup to her lips. She drank of the lukewarm water, forcing it down her burning throat.

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