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"Hush little baby, don't you cry..." Nora sings, humming the rest as she bounces around the nursery with Cheveyo as he cries. "Buddy, cmon. We're gonna wake pops soon and he has work." She whispers, tearful.

It's been a tough first 3 weeks of life for Cheveyo Swan; at first, all was well for he and his mom. Then he got jaundice, a sign his liver wasn't working properly. After a few days in the hospital it all sorted itself out. But then Nora took a turn and needed IV antibiotics. Her body was set to overdrive after the birth and needed some timeout. Yet not once did she ask for help, not once did she let anyone take Cheveyo. She trooped on and kept him right beside her. It's now hard to adjust to home life after 2 weeks in hospital pretty much back to back.

Charlie rubs his eyes as he yawns, leaning in the doorway. "Give him here."

"I got it." Nora sniffles.

Charlie walks over and stops her movement, gently taking him. "Nor, darling, you're overwhelmed. It's okay, take 5 minutes and calm yourself down. I got him."

She looks at her dad for a moment and nods small, shuffling towards the bathroom to wash her face. Charlie looks down at Chevy. "Now, little dude, your mom is trying so so hard to do this so I just need you to help her out." He whispers. "I know how hard it is being a baby, everything's so loud and scary and new but I promise you have the best mommy to make up for the fact you have a shitty dad."

Chevy slowly calms, his breathing calming as he settles. He wraps his fingers around Charlie's and falls back to sleep to the soft bounces. Charlie grins triumphantly - he always was good at this part. When he glances at his watch he sees its been 20 minutes almost, so he slowly walks to Noras room to set Chev down. He can't help but laugh a little as he sees Nora asleep across the bed, so once he's settled Cheveyo in the basket, he grabs a blanket and lays it over Nora, kissing both their heads before he leaves.

Nora jumps away a little later, looking around. She scrambles up and sighs in relief when she sees her boy fast asleep in his basket, sitting on the edge of the bed to rub her eyes tiredly. She decides to get up and get herself sorted, so she moves his basket to the bathroom and runs a shallow bath. She spends most of the time with her chin resting on the edge to gaze at him as he sleeps.

She washes her hair for the first time in forever and throws it up as best as she can with the length before she slips clean leggings on and moves the basket downstairs with her. She begins making breakfast as a thank you to her dad when the door knocks gently.

She peaks out and raises an eyebrow as she opens it. "Jake... its not even 6am."

"Figured you or your dad would be awake. I came to see if you needed help." He shrugs small, a soft smile on his face.

Nora steps aside to let him in. "Were good but you're welcome to come see him."

Jacob is already in the kitchen, leaning on the table to peak in the basket. "Hi buddy." He whispers, touching his little feet. "I missed you."

Nora makes fresh coffee as she waits for the bacon to cook. "If you want, you can go change him for the day. All the stuff that fits is in the top drawer."

Jacob nods and gently scoops Chev up, heading upstairs. Charlie ignores him as passes, headed to the kitchen. "Smells good."

"A little thank you for this morning." She shrugs, dishing up the eggs and bacon before she butters the toast. She sets it on the table and moves the empty basket.

Charlie kisses her cheek before sitting down. "I told you, I'd help where I can. All you gotta do is ask."

"I know I know." She mutters. "Bella and I are going to get him registered today."

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