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Things between Nora and Jacob are actually good. He's always there, helping with Cheveyo and making sure she takes care of herself.

Things between Bucky and Nora are not so good. He has hardly called in the 2 weeks he's been at the hospital in New York. When he has? He's vague. Not into it. Bella tries to reason that he's possibly tired - he's doing a lot of physical stuff. But Nora doesn't listen. He's given up on her, of course he has. That has to be the reason.

She's not doing so good. She's in one of her depressive episodes; the doesn't leave the house. Spends most of the time in bed or on the couch. She doesn't have the energy to play with Chevy and it makes her even sadder. All they do is watch movies and nap together. Chevy loves it; any time cuddling with his mom is his absolute favourite. But Nora is breaking at the seams.

She takes her meds.

She eats 2, sometimes 3 meals a day, and she talks if spoken to.

Charlie keeps having flashbacks to Bella all over again. But this time he understands it more. Nora has fought so hard for so long and she was on top of the world. Everything with Jacob, then Bucky and now her own health have sent her spiralling down to a place beyond rock bottom. There isn't anything he can think of that will help.

Well. Maybe one thing.

"I'm going to New York." He says in a quiet voice as he, Bella, Edward and Jacob stand in the kitchen watching Nora and Cheveyo nap on the couch.

Jacob chokes on his coffee as he spits it back into the mug and wipes his mouth. "You? In New York? Why?" He laughs hard.

Charlie rolls his eyes. "To talk to James. Get her some reassurance, make sure he's okay." He shrugs.

"You've never left Forks, Charlie, you'd die from all the unfamiliarity." Jacob rolls his eyes.

Bella tuts. "Stop being an ass. It's a good idea, dad, but one of us can go." She crosses her arms as she leans on the counter.

Jacob finishes his piece of toast. "Fine fine I'll go, okay? I'll be the hero." He bows.

Charlie glares. "Why is everything such a joke to you." He snaps.

Jacob smiles. "Because life is so funny sometimes, isnt it. I'll go, okay? You should be happy, you're getting rid of me for a few days." He winks and heads to the livingroom. He leans on the back of the couch and pulls the blankets over Norry and Chev more, kissing his sons head before he straightens up.

"Edwards going-"

"No he isn't, Bella." Jacob turns to face her. "I gotta do it."

"Why you. Edward can go there undetected and see what's going on." She snaps quietly. She's so annoyed with Jacob's positive attitude lately - it's so out of character.

Jacob rolls his eyes. "Trust me to handle this. Please." He heads for the door.

Bella follows. "Don't you need to handle the pack? You still haven't figured out who did this."

"I'm close. I have a few ideas. If I leave, they'll know its getting serious. They'll think I'm beyond pissed - I am but still - and the pressure will mount. I've got it handled Bells." He winks and jogs down the steps to his bike. He revs the engine. "Make sure she eats." He orders before he speeds away.


Jacob looks around the fancy lobby as he walks in, looking extremely out of place. Everyone is in suits and formal attire while he wears jeans and a shirt over a dirty tee. He heads to reception and smiles as he slaps his hands on the desk. "Hi! I'm here to see Buck."

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