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Both Cal's sat across from me in the pub, multiple pint glasses empty in front of them, Josh (Chip) sitting besides me.

The four of us- hammered.

"Mate," Freezy started, his words slurred. He slammed his hands against the table, the glasses wobbling slightly. "Bog, your birds livin' the life."

I gave him a tight lipped smile, knowing she was meant to be back tonight. She'd been gone for a month, and we'd hardly even spoken.

"Yep," I mumbled, brining the pint to my lips.

"Where is she?" Chip then asked, giving my side a shove with his elbow. "Dubai is it?" I nodded, causing him to continue talking. "Why you not there?"

"Filming, couldn't-" I attempted to talk, Lux laughing and interrupting me.

"He's bullshitting," He said, looking between Chip and I, "He could've missed one video, she only wanted him there a week."

"She didn't seem too fussed," I shrugged. "She's got them mates there anyway."

"That Joseph," Freezy spoke, and I nodded. The two of them were fairly close last time I knew, and he was at her Halloween party- but I didn't particularly think it was anything more.

"Yeah, they've been mates ages," I told him. He gave me a weird look, so I raised my eyebrow in confusion towards him.

"Mates," He mocked. "You sure?"

"I mean, yeah?" I said, my tone coming out more questioning than I intended it to. "They model for the same company or some shit like that."

"So he's a model?" Chip asked.

"I've just said that?"

"Chill mate," Lux laughed, reaching over to give my hand a pat. "When's she back?"

I noticed Lux change the conversation, which I was somewhat thankful for, even though it was likely that it would be changed back again.

"Meant to be tonight, but she'll probably just go home."

"Home as in yours, or home as in her own flat?" Freezy asked. "Cause with the rate she stays at ours, she's gonna need to stick some rent in there."

"Fuck off," I shook my head. "Like you'd make her pay rent."

"Tight that," Chip howled, finding it funnier than the rest of us did. "Imagine her face if you told her that."

"She'd just agree and pay it," Lux told him, making Chip laugh even more. "No way she'd try and back out of it."

"She wouldn't be paying rent anyway," I told the three of them.

"Bog," Freezy said somewhat seriously. "You need to fuck her or something, this mood you've been in is badly unlikable."

"Cheers," I nodded sarcastically towards the taller boy.

Lux sat scrolling through his phone for a few minutes, eyes widening when he came across something. He showed Freezy first, the boy looking towards me, fist between his teeth as if he was gonna burst from laughing.

"What?" I asked the pair. Lux handed me his phone, pressed on Millie's account. I pressed onto her story, a picture of Joseph sitting in a pub, drink in front of him.

"She's back," Freezy somewhat cheered. I furrowed my brows at the image, having expected her to at least text me, letting me know she was home.

But, when I checked my phone, she had, numerous times- as well as a missed call.

i'm back home,
let me know if you're
awake and i'll stop by? x

btw i'm gonna go to
the pub with Joe if that's

nvm you seem
like you're asleep, i'll
see you tomorrow? x

love u, and i've
missed u lots. very
excited to see u🤍

"Shit," I mumbled, eyes reading the messages she's sent me. "She's messaged me four times."

"Saying what?" Chip asked.

"Asking if she could see me tonight," I started, thumbs circling the keyboard thinking of something to say. "Telling me she'd be out, and that she'd see me tomorrow cause she's excited to see me."

"She's sweet," Lux commented, my head nodding instantly. I felt bad, not having seen the messages.

sorry mil, i'm at the pub
with the cal's and chip x

"Who's she out with?" Chip asked me. I looked towards him, the boy having literally seen the picture.


"Oh yeah," He nodded, realising. "You okay with that?"

"I mean yeah. Bless her though, she asked if it was okay."

it's fine, hope
you're having fun x

"She's good for you, you know," Lux said, his tone serious now. "Like, she's ace."


i am, just let
me know and i'll come
pick you up tomorrow? x

course. love you x

love you x


millie just posted a story!

millie just posted a story!

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