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While the faces of the concubines turned pale, The empress was still calm. the emperor looked horrified, and everybody knew why. Who in this Empire didn't know that the emperor is in love with Noble Lady Shu? But a problem lies with Noble lady Shu's fertility, even when she was giving birth to the second Prince She was almost dead by the end of labor. Meanwhile, the empress gave birth to three children like it was nothing. One thing was very clear to them now, the empress had both backing and three children in the Imperial Palace, which is enough to keep him on the throne.

So Noble lady Shu's only backing is the emperor's love and her son, and even with the emperor's affection, she had to have at least another child to be able to have a good ranking in the palace. So now that the empress has announced that he is currently pregnant with four children and two of them are boys both Noble Lady Shu and the emperor are worried.

The banquet was so quiet you could actually hear people breathing because they themselves are shocked. They all turned to look as the empress and Noble lady shu, and they all thought the same thing. 'Now that the empress is no longer in love with the emperor and is pregnant means that is going to be hard for Noble lady Shu to get promoted again.'

"Congratulations your majesty! May your pregnancy ends safely!" The imperial physician said.

"Congratulations your majesty! May your pregnancy end safely!" Echoed everyone in the hall after coming to their senses.

The banquet was continued, and even though most people were too shocked or in the concubines' cases were too scared to truly enjoy the banquet, most of the people enjoyed the banquet. The empress and the grand princess were the happiest of them all, they were truly happy to finally see the arrogant emperor who forgot he was son, a brother, and husband to be finally humbled. After three more hours of drinking, dancing, and entertaining the banquet ended on a pleasant note.

The empress excused himself first and took his maid's hand as support himself to walk out of the hall with his children. The main wives were truly happy, this was the first time they saw the empress walk out with his dignity intact after a banquet, and the ignored and abandoned wives wanted to become like him, to be able to stand up to their husband and concubines as the empress did.

As the empress was walking towards his palace he heard steps behind him. He knew who it was but he pretended it not to and continued to walk with his children and occasionally made jokes with them.

"Empress! We would like a word with you," Called out the emperor.

"Then we shall have a talk, your majesty." Responded the empress as he bowed respectfully.

"Li Dani please take the kids to my palace I will arrive shortly." Ordered the empress as he turned around to his servant.

"Yes, your majesty." Responded Li Dani with a polite bow.

"May this empress ask what his majesty wants to talk about?" The empress asked his face expressionless.

"How come we only came to know you were pregnant with not one but four royal heirs in a banquet publicly?" Asked the emperor coldly.

"Do I have any obligations to tell you if I was carrying or not?" Responded the empress equally cold.

"Yes, you should have because these are not normal children but royal heirs!" The emperor roared loudly.

"You talk as if you were going to give me the protection I needed," Sneered the empress."I got pregnant three times and not once have you offered me protection, but once I accepted shadow guards from my family you acted like I was some traitor after your throne. When I was pregnant with my children I suffered about five assassination attempts and not once have you had the decency to visit me and see if something happened to me, your empress, the mother of the nation. Let's face it, your only here because you feel that the position of your beloved concubine is threatened, but the funny thing is, your beloved never had a position, she could only get the things she got because I was stupid for seven years if it was some other person in my place do you think after being disrespectful to them for seven years they would still be there? No, the moment you favored her the moment that person would've killed her." Continued the empress, his voice so cold you couldn't help but chills deep down your bones.

"So don't come here using my children as an excuse to vent your anger," The empress stated ultimately.

Now it was the emperor's turn to be speechless during their seven years of marriage. It was his turn to feel hopeless, and it was his turn to act stupid. Not the empress. The emperor looked at the empress as if he was a stranger, how could he not? Was this the empress who was foolishly in love with him? Was this the empress who blindly did anything for him? If so why did he look so different?

"Oh, and just to be clear, my family's shadow guards and guards will be entering the place to protect me especially now that I'm carrying, I have to make sure that my place is well protected." Said the empress and it didn't look like he was asking for permission.

The emperor's face immediately darkened after hearing the emperor's statement. The empress knew well that the emperor didn't really like other people's guards in his palace, especially those from the General's mansion. The General's mansion was the strongest in the empire and even though the previous emperor and the general are best friends the current emperor did not fully want to depend on the general because it made him feel like he was merely a puppet emperor.

"Liu Quiaqio! Did you forget what I told you when we first married!? You dare cross that line?!" Roared the emperor, forgetting any formalities. 

"If you feel that you're a puppet emperor by relying on my father how about you go to the north and subdue the barbarians?! If you feel that your ego will be taking a punch by me bringing in my family's guard how about you go risk your life for the country and let my father come home?!" The empress roared back.

He can't lie by saying that those words he uttered didn't break his heart because he was still worried about him, he still loved him. How could he not? This is the man whom he loved for seventeen years and married to for fifteen years. How could he forget the love he had for him and four weeks? It was just impossible! He's still in pain and his heart was still broken but he knew that pain was in the process of healing. When you fall and scrape your knee the physician would put disinfectant in on your wound and it would hurt but it would dry the wound faster, and the recovery would be a proper one.

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