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"Oh? Mother didn't tell you?" Imperial Wife Ying questioned as she tilted her head.

"Furen*, what is she talking about?" Duke Ning questioned as he turned to face Duchess Ning. At this point, Duchess Ning felt that her whole life was ruined. The Duke was someone who was straightforward and disciplined, hence he never liked using underhand tactics and he expected his wife and kids to do the same. Because of his temperament he never used harsh punishment on the kids or on his wives, so hearing the insinuation from his daughter of what Duchess Ning was doing to his concubines made his blood boil.

"Duke I-" Duchess Ning tried to respond but was quickly cut off by Imperial Wife Ying.

"How about I show you instead father?" Imperial Wife Ying offered as she cast a glance at her servant next to her. "Xiao Lu serve the tea." Imperial Wife ordered coldly. 

"Yes, your highness," Xiao Lu abided as she prepared everything according to what her mistress had told her.

She got two tea cups with wide bottoms and thin sides. She had made sure that the tea in the teapot was still boiling hot. She then placed the two tea cups in each of Duchess Ning's hands. She then started pouring the hot tea into the teacups, pouring so much that it overflowed. As the scalding hot tea hit her skin, Duchess Ning couldn't help but hiss as tears made their way into her eyes. 

"Mother needs to be careful, this Keemun tea is extremely rare in the empire and could only be exported from the south by the empress. I don't want his highness to have a bad impression of you because you are wasting such precious tea." Imperial Wife Ying warned leisurely as she sipped her tea.

"Y-yes of course," Duchess Ning responded as tears rolled down her cheeks. The pain in her hands was really unbearable. She felt like she was holding fireballs in her palms and they were burning her flesh, but she couldn't cry or shout. If she did, people would be more curious than they already are, and there would be gossip about their duchy the very next day.  So she could only endure it, every time the tea started calling down, Xiao Lu replace it with boiling tea. It went like that for the next hour, until Ning Qingge couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yintai! Don't you think you're being too much?! How dare you bully my mom?!" Ning Qingge screamed catching the attention of the guests in the hall. They were already interested in what was going on earlier because only Duke Ning, Concubine Li, and Imperial WIfe Ying's blood-related siblings were sitting, while the Duchess and the young mater were standing. So hearing Ning Qingge say that so loud gave them an excuse to see what was going on. Imperial Wife Ying was of course unbothered by this and proceeded to sip her tea calmly.

"Me bullying mother? If you say that I am bullying my mother by doing the same thing that she did to my concubine mother to her, then wouldn't you be saying that mother bullied my concubine mother?" Imperial Wife Ying retired calmly as she looked up at Ning Qingge.

"Y-you! So what if my mother did bully your stupid concubine mother?! She's just a concubine and she should know her place!" Ning Qingge retorted angrily and loudly as he pointed his finger at Imperial Wife Ying.

"Qingge! Stop speaking nonsense! Hurry and apologize!" Duchess Ning anxiously instructed.

"But mom-" As Qingge was about to refute his mother a voice interrupted him.

"May I know who this rude young master is?" The empress coldly questioned.

"You're majesty!" Duchess Ning cried out in surprise before joining the rest and greeting the empress.

"You may all rise except for Duchess Ning and Young master Qingge," The empress ordered.

"Empress seat, standing for a long time is not the best idea currently," The emperor interjected gently before he slowly guided the empress into the highest seat which was filled with pillows which he put.

"Thank you," The empress responded politely.

"No problem," The emperor responded.

"We had this banquet to honor and welcome the soldiers who had fought bravely on the battlefield as we stayed back and lived with no worries. So I want to know why it's so hard to keep your mouth shut and honor the soldiers who fought bravely. And I think you have forgotten that you are talking to an imperial wife, how dare you raise your voice and be so brazen!" The empress admonished.

"Your majesty had got it all wrong! This wicked woman refused to listen to her elders and even tried to embarrass my mother today. I hope that the empress can serve us justice!" Qingge retorted as he kotowed.

"What justice? Are you confused? You have already committed many offenses in that one sentence you made so how is it that I have to serve you justice?" The empress sneered.

Question Of The Day.

Ask me anything about myself.

It's no really a question but I feel like I ask you guys a lot of stuff so you could ask me some stuff.

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