Start Of The Wedding

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"Li Dani, what's wrong?" Liu Quiaqio turned around and asked clearly worried. This was the first time he saw Li Dani cry since seven years ago.

"I'm just glad you've finally come to your senses your high-  Qiao'er." Li Dani responded with a slight smile as he wiped his eyes.

Now it seemed like it was the empress who couldn't hold back anymore and broke down in tears as he crouched on the floor and sobbed uncontrollably. Looking back his life was like a perfect picture, but he broke that perfect picture with his own two hands. Now he's picking up the shards little by little, and there's no denying that he will be pricked a few times but in the end, when he's able to see that perfect picture again it will all be worth it.

The sobs of the empress seemed to have shattered the hearts of those in the yard. Those sobs were filled with imaginable pain. They felt the hopelessness in his voice and the shattered dreams. He entered the palace with a smile on his face, his heart pure and his soul innocent. He expected love and care, he waited in the bridal chamber with a heart full of love to give, but what he received that night was a night full of pain, full of trauma. 

The person he loved so much looked at him with a face so cold, that it was possible it could freeze the raging fires of hell. He cried out in pain only to meet a dispassionate face full of impatience and disgust.

He was confused at that time, didn't the crown prince agree to marry him? Then why was he acting like that? The crown prince was the son of heaven, he could never force the crown prince to marry him. Either way, he was patient, he waited patiently for the affection he always craved from the man he loved so much, yet he was met with disappointment and humiliation. 

He himself didn't notice that he slowly started to lose the hopes he always held high. He was lured into a chase where he could never catch his prey, when he finally gave up and looked back he was already too far away with no way to turn back. He was lost. He came into the palace with a lively heart but came out of it with it bruised beyond healing.

He lost his family, his friends, his children, and himself because he saw one person only. He pinned all his hopes on that person, he held expectations for that person, and he spent all his love and time on that person. That one person drained all his energy, love, and care and made him forget about everyone. He was caught in a trance but when he woke it was too late. He didn't have time to make it up to everyone, but maybe the gods took pity on him and gave him another chance.

Yes, he still loved that person, but to give him another chance is impossible. He didn't take revenge not because he loved him, but because he would rather spend time with his family and friends than try to plot against him and that concubine.

"Ok, it's my sister's wedding, we should not make it sad," Liu Quiaqio sniffed abruptly stood up, and told the people in the yard whose eyes were also teary.

"Yes, your right honey, Shi Ling would indeed be disheartened." His mom said with a sigh as she wiped her tears.

"What would I be disheartened about mom?" Liu Shi Ling asked as she entered the yard with a confused look on her face.

"We'll talk after the wedding Ling'er," Her mother responded.

The people in the yard were all in a state of shock seeing their Second Miss' dress. They expected a beautiful dress since the empress himself was sewing it but they didn't expect such a beautiful dress. The dress also fitted the characteristics of the Second Miss. 

The whole empire knew about how the Second Miss cut her hair short and sneaked into the military and fought in the Lingyun war for three years without telling her parent. She earned her nickname Lady Red because she liked to be drenched in her enemies' blood. All her fights were bloody and she was always covered in blood after every fight.

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