Ch 10

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This chapter is gonna be quick and mainly in selena's pov*
Selena is adenzia's twin sister
Lorenzo and Sophia are Adeniza's parents.
Alessandro is going to be mentioned in this and he's gonna get introduced.
So enjoy the chapter.

Selena's pov

It's been three weeks since Marco texted my dad about the mission.
Good news he got in. Bad news he hasn't even texted me.
Is he mad at me? What did I do? He's my best friend and I want to know if he's okay.
On other news Summer left she had to go to LA for a concert coming up in a month.
She's gonna have to pick her looks,outfits,dances,and then she has to talk on a talk show to discuss her concert.
And she has to do a fashion show this week so her schedule is booked.
Too bad I can't go, she's also my best friend.
The cops are still on our asses and dad's getting them off.
He's been busy lately and he keeps trying to get me to help.
Don't get me wrong i want to i just don't know how to.
Alessandro is not helping either; he keeps trying to light things on fire and he even gets into a fight.
He bashed a kid's head into a brick wall.
Poor is in the hospital at the moment.
Mom grounded him and dad tried to help him but then mom scared him away.
Knock Knock.
" Come in," I say.
Mom comes in " Hey baby i feel like i haven't seen you a lot lately"
" Yeah i've been in my room worrying about everything"
Yeah most people won't tell their mom's what's wrong with them but me? No, I tell her literally everything.
" I feel you there. You dads been ignoring everyone"
" Yeah i know it sucks"
Mom comes over to me and sits next to me.
She smells like vanilla.
I lay my head on her shoulder and she rubs my head.
" I have an idea," She says.
" Hm?"
" Why don't you go and get ready and we'll go shopping"
" Okay"
I get up and go get dressed in a black pair of leggings,a bustier,and a pair of white sunglasses on my head.
I go and grab my purse and go down stairs where mom is.
Mom changed into a black dress and did her hair in a low ponytail.
" How?" I ask.
She looks confused." What?"
" How do you look better than me?"
She laughs.
" I'M SERIOUS" I shout.
" Baby no" she laughs
" What?"
" I mean you got all of your genesis from your dad so you couldn't have my awesome genes" Mom says still laughing.
" Eh you and dad have good genes because i've never had a pimple or blackhead ever"
" Mrs Petrova, the car's waiting for you," Kallian says.
Kallian Brooks. My friend of 7 years and he still stays polite and sweet to my parents.
" Kallian, don't call me Mrs Petrova, you're practically family.Call me Sophia please."
Kallian nods his head.
I've known Kallian since Middle school. He went to school as a scholar student and he was always the quiet guy and he always was tired but he spent every single free period studying.
" Oh before you guys go Lorenzo wanted to talk to you Sel"
" Oh uh okay. Be right back mama"
" Want me to go with you?" Mom asks.
" Nah i'll be alright papa probably wants to talk to me about a job or something"
" okay i'll be in the car"
I nodded.
She left and went to the car.
" Okay so did my dad tell you anything? Oh god am I in trouble? Oh shit hold up lemme think"
Nah i made sure i hid my stash well.
And i made sure my room didn't smell like-
" No he didn't tell me anything"
I Look at Kallian and nod.
Oh shit what if he did find my stash? Wait, why am I worried?My dad doesnt care if I smoke.
I hurry and go to my dads office
Dad raises an eyebrow at me.
" Okay okay i'll calm down." i say.
" I have a new job for you."
I smile " Okayyyy noice"
" You have to assassinate David Nelson" Dad shows me a picture and I see an white male. Hmm 5'9 or 5' 10. Probably 169 pounds and clearly has no fashion taste.
" What did he do? Besides robbing James Charles' closet."
Dad laughs at my joke.
" Nice one. But you're not wrong, he does look like he did though."
" Okay but seriously what did he do?"
" He stole 30 thousand from us and he tried to steal some of our shipments"
" Okay i'll ask James to find him and i'll kill him"
" Alright that's all and tell your mom not to spend too much on my card i don't want to be broke"
" Hmm no promises"
" Have a daughter ,they say. It will be wonderful ,they say. Bullshit" dad mutters.
I laugh on my way out.
Later at the mall.
" Okay so i think this would go great except i feel like Gold isn't really your color ma"
" yeah you're right i feel like this would go with you though" she says holding up a gold dress.
" Nah i already have a dress in mind"
She gives me a look.
She wants to see the dress I have in mind.
" Don't give me that look, it's a red dress and I want it to be a surprise."
" Okay but have you seen much of Alessandro?"
" Nah he's always in his room" Smoking weed
" Yeah I know but I feel like he's always busy and I want to see more of your brother" She sighs.
" Unless you have money or guns i don't think he's interested"
A few women in the store gave us a dirty look.
" Can I help you?" Mom says to them in a dangerous time that said keep doing what you're doing and i'll come over there and break your face.
They immediately look away with red faces
I laugh.
" I mean you're not wrong, I think he's following my pathway." she continues.
What she means is that mom was a badass thief named
il ladro notturno ( the night thief) who loved guns and money.
She always stayed in her room planning her next job.
After we found a dress for mom and got other clothes, got our nails done mom checked the time it was late.
Had we been gone for hours?
Yeah we have now we have to go home and explain why we didn't have any security or anything with us.
Dads gonna be pissed.
At Home.
" WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY???" Dad's voice was so loud we could hear it even when we were outside.
" s-s-s-s-sir we don't know your wife or daughter didn't take any security." A huge bodyguard says to my dad with a frightened look on his face.
I know my dads tall but the bodyguard is even taller but he's scared of my dad. The bodyguard is about 6'5 or 6'6 while my dad is only a little above 6'4. I could understand why the bodyguard could be scared of my dad but dude really you're more built and more taller than him.
Eh then again people fear me and my mom and she's tiny too. My moms only 5'6 and im 5'8 my brother Alessandro is 5'9 and he's 15.
" Honey i'm home" Mom says in the doorway of the dining room.
Oh god does she realize he's pissed?!!!!???
Dad's face went red and I swear you could see steam coming out of his ears if we were cartoon characters.
Dad storms over to us and he was about to yell then mom put her hand over his mouth and says " Shut up i'm about to have a fucking headache and i just got home"
Her voice was stern and if you talked after she used that tone you would be laid out on the ground.
Dad stays silent but he's still mad.
All the guards immediately looked at the ground not wanting to get yelled at by mom.
" Now go run me a hot bubble bath and order pizza. I'm hungry and I'm tired" mom says walking out of the dining room. I'm guessing she's going to their room.
Dad stays where he is.
" NOW" Mom yells loudly enough for everyone in the mansion could hear.
" Spanish women," Dad mutters.
I laugh. Dad faces me " I'm going to talk to you later"
" NO YOU'RE NOT" Mom yells.
She must have really good hearing.
Dad leaves to go run mom a bath and he hands me a phone to order pizza.
I end up ordering tons of pizza and wings,breadsticks and pasta.
40 minutes later I'm in the kitchen eating lots of food.
Thank god for high metabolism.
" Ohhh yes food i'm starving" Alessandro says while taking out his airpods.
" Look who's alive" I joke.
He glares at me " Shut. Up."
I smirk.
This is why I love messing with him. He has a quick temper and it's fun to get him mad.
Perks of being an older sister.
He serves himself a plate of a little bit of everything and sits next to me.
" Have you heard from Marco yet?" He says while his mouth is stuffed.
I sigh " No i haven't heard from him nor cole since the day he went on his new mission."
" Dang that's about three weeks right?"
" Yeah almost. Why the hell is he ignoring me?"
He swallows his food " I dunno. Want me to ask him."
" Have you even talked to him?"
" Yeah, he's like an older brother. Will a shy,quiet,kind of a douche older brother."
" Eh he's not a douche he's really good at giving good advice though."
He stops eating and raises an eyebrow at me " Nah that's cole's territory."
" What about Cole?" Aria asks .
Ugh now she's here.
Do you have that one cousin that you hate and want to beat their ass?
Yeah me too and that's Aria.
She A Pick me and she OBSESSED with cole.
Cole never slept with her even how much of a Hoe he is but with Aria that's where he crossed the line.
I laugh hard.
" Ugh you're just talking about your ugly sister over here" Aria says.
" Nah my sister looks like my ma and guess what? My moms beautiful unlike you and your mom" He smirks.
I'd have to admit her mom is actually really pretty. Or was ever since she got all that plastic surgery she's been uh what's the word Plastic.
Aria even got plastic surgery and she didn't even need it.
She was pretty before because of her dad genes thank god but then her mom screwed with her head.
Now don't get me wrong i don't care if you have plastic surgery but when you look completely fake then you have a problem.
" Ugh shut up sandro nobody cares" She scoffed.
" I mean you clearly fucking care if youre still here and keep bitching at us all the time"
" This was my house ya know" She states.
" Actually according to the WILL Nonno and Nonna left our papa this house" He shoots back.
Oh god this is good i'm just gonna keep eating.
" Oh my god shut up literally nobody asked."
" And nobody asked your hoe ass to be here."
" I'M NOT A HOE" She argued.
" you slept with Selena's ex while they were dating. And you tried to fuck my best friend WHO'S A MINOR" he yells.
Opp i forgot she loves my leftovers.
" Really you tried to sleep with a fucking sophmore?" Mom says while entering the kitchen. Wearing a black pair of sleep shorts and a hoodie. Her hair is dry and in a messy bun and no makeup.
She doesn't need it. Her mom was a model and mom got grandma's features and amazing genes.
Aria plays the good girl card " Hi Tia ." ( Tia=aunt)
" Girls don't try to play the good girl card. I could see through that like I could see my son's eyes even with those sunglasses. And with that said-" mom slaps Alessandro " - Didn't I tell you to not smoke in my goddamn house? You're 15, almost 16 you shouldn't even be smoking in the first place."
Alessandro rubs where mom slapped him and nodded his head.
Thank god she doesn't know about me smoking. And if she does she'll kill me for it and because i'm my brother's dealer.
Aria states quiet but is giving my mom a stank face.
" Girl if you got something to say then say it or else don't give me that stank face or else i'm gonna slap it off of you."
Aria scoffs and rolls her eyes at mom while crossing her arms.
" Okay then" Mom says while going over to Aria and then BAM mom slaps her and Aria's face is shocked and her eyes water like she's gonna cry.
" I'm Gonna t-t-tell my mom on you" Aria says running out the door crying and sniffling.
" Go ahead, I already beat your mom's ass many times, why not add another assbeating." Mom calls after her.
I hear a door slam and mom rolls my eyes and faces us " If you ever act like that little girl imma bear ass so face you won't ever recover from it"
" Yes mama" Alessandro and I said at the same time.
" Good now I'm hungry. What did you order?"
I laugh and tell her what I ordered.
" Where's papa?"I say with my mouth full.
" He's in his office on a call but he said save him some food"
" Like we're gonna eat all this" Alessandro says.
" I might" I say grabbing another slice of pizza.
Mom laughs.
" What? I got high metabolism from you and dad i'm gonna stay skinny."
Mom Agrees.
" WHYYYY" Alessandro winned.
" What?" I say.
" Are you okay baby boy?" Mom says.
" I. Ate.Way.Too,Much" He states.
" Your fault not mine" I say while still eating.
" You just have a small appetite," Mom says.
" I ate a whole box of pizza and some pasta"
Opp nevermind on the appetite.
" Hey did you save me some?" Dad comes into the room wearing a pair of black Sweats and a black Tank.
" Eh i saved you SOME" Alessandro says.
" Oh god "
Mom laughs.
" So any news from Marco?" Mom bites into her pizza.
" Yeah, I'll show you guys later."
" So does everyone know what they're wearing to the gala?" Alessandro says.
" Yeah mom and i went to the mall today-"
" Without security" Dad coughs.
Mom and i roll our eyes
" As i was saying we went to the mall and got clothes and mom a beautiful dress and shoes and so mom is settled and all i have to do is just wait because my dress is being made at the moment"
" Ha, I was just gonna wear a pair of ripped Jeans and a hoodie," Alessando says.
"No you're not the gala is supposed to bring more clients and you have to look your best because we need people to know were serious"
Alessandro groans.
" I guess i'll just wear a suit and tie with dad"
" Yeah, I have a new suit for you. You'll try it on later."
" When's the gala again I forgot?" He asked dad.
" in a month and 3 weeks. Hehe, I get to see Julio and make his night a living hell" Dad says with a grin.
" Oh yeah, did I tell you guys Alessa is pregnant?' Mom says happily.
" AGAIN?" Dad,Alessandro,and I speak at the same time.
Alessa Red and Christian Redd the American Mafia leaders.
Alessa has been my mom's Friend since 5th grade and she helped mom on her old missions.
When my dad married my mom Alessa and Christian Hit it off pretty well and now they're married and now has another kid on the way.
" How'd she get pregnant? She's like 40 something" Alessandro asked out loud.
We all groaned

Adenzia's POV
In New york.

For the 2 weeks that passed Marco and I have been spending lots of time together and have been getting closer.
While Esma got Suspended for breaking some girls nose who sent N*des to Ryder.
He didn't even know who the girl even was. But Esma and I knew who it was.
Kelly Miller, a girl who tried to bully Esma and I in middle school until I fought her in the parking lot and she obviously knew not to snitch because she would've gotten her ass beat again.

Flash back 1 week ago when Esma broke Kelly's Nose.

" Zia, I'm gonna be gone from school okay?" Esma said to me in the hall.
( Adenzia covered her bruises from her fight)
" Why?"
" Because some Puta Sent some n*des to Ryder" She said Pulling her hair up in a messy bun.
" Are you kidding me!?" I say stunned. Everyone at the Downs knew not to mess with Ryder or Esma's relationship.
" Who?" Cole asks.
" A bitch named Kelly Miller!!" Esma says.
Opp her Latina accent is getting even louder and that's not a good thing.
" I say run up on a bitch" Cole eggs her on.
" You know her?" I ask cole.
" Yeah she tried to sleep with me the other day i said no "
" There she is," I pointed down the hall where she was. She was walking up to Ryder and Brooks while pulling down her crop top making her boobs more noticeable.
" Oh.Hell.NO" Esma says, running to beat Her ass.
" Okay this is gonna be an easy fight." I say getting my phone out to record.
" Why? Because Esma's a good fighter?"
" Yeah she is a good fighter but that's not why."
" Oh well why is it then?"
" Because i've seen kelly fight and all she ever does is slap and pull your hair" i say pressing record on the camera and speed walking to the fight that was about to happen.
" Hey Bitch i heard you were sending noods to my Man" Esma yells at Kelly before punching her in the face making kelly fall to the ground.
Everyone started to come over to see the fight.
" Get up bitch" Esma says.
Kelly looks up at her with blood on her lips.
Kelly gets up and tries to hit Esma but Esma dodges it and punches her again.
Ryder comes and tries to come between them while kelly is on the ground then kelly grabbed her book and screamed and hit Ryder not knowing he was there.
Esma got mad and kept punching her. Then she saw an open locker and pulled a Maddy Perez and put Kelly's head in the locker while slamming the locker on Kelly's face.
The professors saw and walked away. You see they don't care about any of this fighting because they don't get paid for this.
Then the school cop picked up Esma and Esma just rolled her eyes.
She knew she couldn't get in trouble with him because he knows some of our secrets.
Ryder went after her and the cop.
Some people went to help Kelly but her face was already swelling and covered in blood.
Hell, I think Esma is a better fighter than me and Ryder combined.
And even more fearless.
I stopped recording and sent the video to Esma.
Cole was shocked and I could see Marco in the crowd laughing at Kelly.
" Goddamn I am now scared of Esma," He whispered.
" ha this a normal tuesday in the Downs"
Cole looks at me shocked " SHE DOES THIS IN A REGULAR TUESDAY?"
I laugh " no i mean the violence"
I mean this is normal violence in fighting too i mean i'm already used to the blood

End of flashback

So yeah she got suspended and the cop just let her go he was annoyed with her.
And with that Cole kept bragging how his new bestie was a fucking badass.
And Marco said Kelly was a dumb whore who deserved to get her ass beat and i agree.
She had it coming.
Now I'm hanging out with Marco trying not to embarrass myself.
I don't get why I'm a chill person around all people...except Marco I get a weird feeling in my stomach and I'm always happy and mushy around him.
That's when Esma said I have a crush on him.
She said that's how she acted and felt when she's with Ryder except their connection is stronger.
So yeah how the hell am I supposed to act around him?
" Hey Zia i was thinking..." Marco's voice trailed off.
Oh god I zoned out again..fuck.
" Yeah?" I ask.
" Uh i like you and i was wondering if you wanted to go out with me on a date?" He asked shyly.
Bitch what?

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