9~ Mad Woman

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Summer and Darren up top ^
I know they're siblings in real life but let's just pretend they're not for the sake of this book


I sat on the couch stuffing my face with Doritos and watching reruns of Friends.

"Cora, do you know where the beach towels are?" Carter called from upstairs.

"Did you check the cabinets where they always are?" I yelled back.

"No" a few seconds of silence. "Found them!"

I shook my head and laughed. He definitely is something else.

"Wait, why do you need beach towels?" I hopped up off the couch for what felt like first time today.

The boys were all running around in their swimsuits.

"We're going to the lake with the guys. It's just Nick, Darren, Cole, Will, Sam and Tommy" he said. "and us of course." He added as an afterthought.

Connor walked into the living room and put on his shirt. "Do you wanna come? I think the boat holds like ten and we're taking Cole's jet ski"

I looked down at my outfit. My booty shorts and hoodie were covered in Dorito dust and my hair was thrown up into a really messy bun.

"How much time do I have?" I asked. I was really skeptical that my hair would come out of the ratty mess.

"We'll give you fifteen minutes"

I rushed upstairs and found a bathing suit in my top drawer. It was a white wrap around bikini top and the bottoms were white with tropical leaves covering them. I threw on one of my dad's old college shirts and a pair of comfortable shorts.

I went to my bathroom and almost cried when I saw my hair. I shrugged and started brushing through it.

It took me less than ten minutes and I had time to double french braid my hair. I slid on a pair of flip flops and grabbed all my lake things. You know the usual towel, sunscreen, tanning lotion, a water bottle and sunglasses.

Miraculously, I finished in less than fifteen minutes and ushered the boys out to the cars. Connor and I took Connor's car and the other two took Cooper's car.

The lake was about an hour away, but it didn't seem that long when I was jamming to music with Connor.

When we got there Cole and Darren were unloading the jet ski and the rest were getting the boat into the water.

"Sorry we're late, Cora decided she wanted to come." Connor said walking up to the guys and bro hugging all of them.

"You're the one who invited me dumbass and gave me fifteen minutes to get ready. You're lucky I look this cute" I flipped my hair behind my shoulder, causing all the guys to laugh.

"The boat's ready" Nick called and we all piled on. Nick drove us out to the middle of the lake.

The boys threw on some music and started acting like a bunch of wild banshees. Most of them jumped off the back of the boat into the water. I was left on the boat with Will, Connor, and Tommy.

Connor looked at me worriedly. He was almost asking if it was okay for him to leave me. I gave him a reassuring nod.

"Let's go man" Tommy smacked Connor lightly in the chest. Connor ripped off his shirt and jumped in with the rest of the boys.

I ripped off my shirt and sprayed myself with sunscreen. I noticed Will staring from the corner of my eye. I smirked to myself.

"Are you not going in the water?" I asked Will as I took a seat in the sun. It was a great day to crack open an ice cold beer and tan in the sun. I slipped on my sunglasses.

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