19~ Beach Day

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"It's time for the beach" I squealed.

The adults were packing all the food in coolers to take down to the beach. I already packed my beach bag. It had all the essentials in it ready to use. There was my sunscreen, tanning lotion, sunglasses, lip balm, my towel, an extra pair of clothes, portable charger, and baby powder.

We went out to the golf cart to take it to the beach. Dad was taking the kids, coolers, beach chairs and the umbrella in his golf cart. Micheal and Karla were taking Dad's car.

"We call the back!" Remi squealed and dragged me to the back of the six seater golf cart. I jumped in the back of the cart with Remi. Will ended up being the one who drove and Carter next to him. Cooper and Connor got the middle row.

It was a five minute drive to the beach and it was beautiful. It was a perfect day for the beach. It was breezy by the water which made it amazing.

We were the first ones out of our group to get there so we went to find a spot. It wasn't hard to find a spot. There wasn't a lot of people here yet, but it was fairly busy. We only walked around for a few minutes before we found a great spot for all of our things.

Dad wasn't quite here yet, so we had to stand our ground until he got here with all of our stuff. We started putting on sunscreen. I took off my shorts and t-shirt. My white bikini with boho stripes showed. I rubbed in what I could with sunscreen and let Remi do my back where I couldn't reach.

By the time we all got sunscreen and tanning lotion on, Dad and the kids made it with all of our stuff. Being the good children that we are, we helped set it all up. Karla and Micheal made it a few minutes later.

I made sure to drink some a water before going in the water.

"Last one to the water has to jump in the pool with their clothes on!" Remi yelled before we all fought to get to the water.

The boys were the first ones to get to the water followed shortly by Remi and I. The kids followed in after us. I'm not sure who was actually the last one there, but in that moment it didn't matter. We were having fun and the smiles on our faces showed it.

The boys began splashing us and we splashed back. We were all laughing.

"Raahh" Will grabbed my from behind and threw me into the water. I glared at him once I resurfaced.

"William" I yelled at him. He was laughing heartily.

"I'm sorry snowflake I had to" He laughed.

My glare turned playful and I slowly sneaked closer to him. I splashed him in the face. He picked me up and tickled me in retaliation.

"Okay okay truce?" I said when I couldn't take it anymore.

He set me down and put his hands up where I could see them. He gave me a skeptical glare. I put my hands to where he could see them.

"I promise" I smiled at him.

He rolled his eyes and we made a truce. We skeptically shook each others hands. I was trying so hard not to crack a smile. Will had already failed and broke into his perfect smile. One look at his smile and one broke out on my face no matter how hard I tried to keep it back. His smile was just contagious.

"Yo, Will, let's play football" Carter called from the shore as he walked to us. He threw the old football in the air and caught it again. They brought and old one so it didn't matter when it got wet.

"Hell yeah, I'm in" He smiled.

"Me too" I smiled. "Remi Come play with us and make it even" I begged her.

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