17~ Never Been Kissed

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"What the hell?" Dad asked at the front door as we dragged in a bunch of drunk football players. Will and I were the most sober out of everyone that had a drink.

Connor tried to bring in a laughing Lena.

"Oh hey coach" Nick slurred as Cooper helped him stumble in.

Dad saw me get out of the car and help Darren get into the house. Cole was able to walk by himself but he was stumbling everywhere. Will was standing there to help him up every time he fell over. Carter walked in. He probably looked worse than he actually was. Connor look sober but his words were slurred.

Cooper, Will, and I successfully got all the boys to the living room. Darren took over the couch. Cole and Nick were sprawled out across the floor. Carter made his way up to his room, groaning.

"I repeat, what the hell?" Dad said as he shut the front door and looked at the three of us for an explanation.

I explained that we decided to go to a party but Cooper volunteered to be the DD. Then we saw the boys, who were way too drunk to drive themselves. So when we came home Cooper and I were the ones driving.

"That explains all that, but why did you bring them here?" He asked as he gestured to the bodies laying around our living room.

I shrugged. "I didn't know where else to take them. It was simpler to bring all of them here than try to take them all home. We were going to text the parents to tell them that they're safe."

"Okay and you didn't have anything to drink right? That's why you were the one to drive, right?"

I looked down at my feet in shame. "Not exactly." I said quietly.

"What?" He yelled. "Cora, you know the rule. I allow you to go out a drink, which is more than I can say for most parents because I know I trust you to make responsible decisions. I have one rule for you and you broke it."

"I know and I'm sorry. I had to stop Carter from driving. You see how he is right now. I had one beer earlier in the night and was the second most sober one there, Dad. I know it wasn't the most responsible decision, but it was the most responsible option I had." I explained. I tried not to yell, but my voice got louder as spoke.

He sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Okay I understand why you made the decision you did, but you're grounded for the next week, because you broke that rule"

I let out a breath of relief. "Thank you"

"Let's get these people sobered up and in bed. Will and Cooper Gatorade and animal crackers. Cora get clothes for them, who's that girl by the way?"

"That's Lena, we met her at the fair" I laughed.

I walked upstairs and grabbed clothes from all the boys rooms for the boys and my room for Lena. Thankfully all the boys were relatively the same size so it was easy to get clothes for them. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt for each of the boys.

By the time I got back downstairs, the boys had started to feed everyone. I threw the sweats and t-shirts at Cooper and Will. I grabbed Len and dragged her up to my room. I changed her into a tank top and a pair of pajama shorts.

She was basically asleep by the time I finished changing her, so I laid her on my bed and put her under the covers. I made my way down stairs to see the boys' progress. They all successfully changed the boys into different clothes and put their clothes in the washer.

Nick and Cole refused to get off the floor so they left them their with a couple pillows and blankets. Darren was fine on the couch and they gave him a pillow and blanket. Cooper got Connor upstairs and into bed. He asked about Lena several times before he went though. We assumed Carter was already in bed.

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