CHAPTER 16 - Me Against the World

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His name is Zachary Ashburn and he smells soft and sensual, like vanilla and sandalwood. While our homeroom teacher takes roll, I study Zachary from across the aisle. His navy Adidas sneakers, khaki cargo pants, and unbuttoned sky blue plaid shirt with a tight white crewneck shirt underneath look so polished and handsome I can't help but remember him standing shirtless at the door to the community pool with his smooth, tanned skin and lean, muscular physique. My cheeks blush and it's like a flower bud is unfurling it's pink petals inside my heart, but when I remember Katelyn, a gorgeous, blonde junior, is his girlfriend and I am an average-at-best sophomore, the flower droops and withers away. 

The bell tolls and Zachary disappears into the busy hallway while I am left to navigate my way to to first period. When I arrive late to geometry, and about twenty students turn their heads to stare, my confidence begins to fade. Thankfully, the teacher quickly ushers me to an open seat in the front of the classroom where it is easy to forget about my new classmates.

After a short lesson on the difference between rays and line segments, the teacher hands out a worksheet and instructs us to break into pairs to begin our homework. My first reaction is to keep my eyes focused on my paper and wait for someone to approach me, but it's not what the cheerleader chick would do.

"Hey, want to work together?" I ask the girl sitting on my left, who looks equally unenthusiastic about the first day of school.

"Sure." She smiles, revealing a row of silver braces, and extends her palm. "I'm Jordan. Jordan Huyen."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Rose Blakeway." I shake her hand. "I like your glasses."

Under a veil of black, glossy bangs, Jordan's cat-eye glasses brought to mind black-and white TV shows from the 60s and acoustic guitar-toting singer and songwriter Lisa Loeb. Wholesome, with an edge. "Thanks. They're vintage. Are you from Goose Creek High School?"

I shake my head. "No, I'm new."

"We're all new here." Jordan winks. "But, I guess you mean you didn't go to Goose Creek or Monroe. So, did you just move here?"

"Yeah, from Oklahoma. My dad got a new job."

Jordan nods. "How does Meadow Wood compare to your old school?"

"It's about the same, just fewer students. And, they're really into football there. Doing anything other than going to the game on Friday night is, basically, against their religion." A nervous giggle escapes and I hope Jordan will laugh too.

She smiles, which is good enough. "I'm glad I don't live there. I loathe football."

"Me too." The thought of spending all my Friday nights on the sidelines of the football field makes me frown. "So what do you do for fun?"

Jordan shrugs. "I haven't had much time for fun since marching band practice started up a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh, you're in the band? What instrument do you play?"


"Cool. I've never played an instrument, well, except for the recorder in fourth grade." I smile, amazed I am successfully making small talk. It so easy with Jordan, unlike the girls on the cheerleading squad. 

"Band class is fun and it's an easy 'A,' but marching band takes up so much time." She dramatically rolls her eyes and puffs her cheeks in an exhausted sigh.

I connect with her instantly! If there was anything I can relate to, it is a dramatic eye roll: it's my favorite expression. Maybe we can be friends? 

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