Chapter One

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agony; plural noun: agonies

extreme physical or mental suffering; possibly both.


Uzumaki Naruto tucked his head between his arms, and clasped his hands over the back of his neck.

Rolling around, he tried to block a majority of the heavy-hitting with his legs; they wouldn't hit hard enough to break bone —no one could— but he'd ended up coughing and shitting blood once when he had taken too many hits below the ribcage.

He felt a fifth set of feet join his attackers.

It was Akemi, he could tell from the way he smelled; a familiar husk of trees and nuts intertwined with the bitter stench of hatred.

He must have realized no one was going to call for the matron and decided to join his peers in 'punishing the fox yōkai.'

Around the yard of Konoha's Orphanage, a few children stole occasional glances at the boy but no one stopped to help.

The few that disagreed with the bullying were well aware that no good would come of attempting to provide any aid; the caretakers didn't care enough to stop it, let alone inform the matron.

Eventually it was time to go back inside, and after a few kicks for good measure, Naruto's attackers slink away.

Still, he kept himself curled up a bit longer, about half a minute or so, just to make sure they weren't waiting for him to expose his face to make a cheap shot; they'd done it before, and even though the swelling went down after a few days, it had still hurt.

When looks at his hand he is met with the sight of blood, maybe one of the kids had broken skin while they were kicking him.

When his vision cleared and he didn't smell too much like sickness and blood anymore he looked around the yard.

Empty, as expected.

The most remarkable thing in sight was him and the bloodstains he was leaving on the pavement.


He was alone.


Something protective and angry roared in his gut as red-hot-angry-hurt-hurt-hurt screamed at him, and there in that courtyard he began to cry.

He screams and cries and shouts until his voice is hoarse and his eyes have no more tears to shed.

Finally he swallows the bile rising in his throat and wobbles towards the building, his prison, with a chilling expression of anger on his five year old face.

Lips curled into a snarl, he makes a quiet promise to himself.

One day he'll get out of this cage, and when he does he will burn it to the ground.


It had been three days since Naruto had eaten or drank something that hadn't come from the garden hose. It would be two more before he could have real food again.

The orphanage garden was quickly becoming a familiar place, while he worked his hands would ache as he tended to the various desired plants, some of them purely aesthetic, but a majority of them were vegetables.

Those vegetables, as covered in dirt as they were, looked very tasty to a very hungry Naruto.

Even though he knew the caretakers were busy he still made sure to check his entire line of vision in case the nosey children started spying again. As far as he could tell the coast was clear.

Moving feverishly, Naruto stripped at least half a dozen beans from one of the common green bean bushes that grew towards the back of the garden, attempting to pick out the less visible ones, and ate them, quickly chewing enough to cram vegetables down his small throat.

Trembling with fear, he shifted his attention back to weeding the garden. It had been almost thirty minutes before he stopped shaking, and he almost vomited because of how nervous he was.

Four days later when a child discovered the striped bean stems, they told Ms.Akira, one of the caretakers. Ms. Akira beat Naruto for 'stealing food' and 'defying her' and for being a 'waste of space,' until he threw up all the contents in his stomach. She then proceeded to lock him in one of the closets for a day, and forbade him food for another week.

It was three days after that beating that Naruto stopped seeing red in his urine.

He cries himself to sleep, dreaming of sand beneath his feet and salt on his tongue.  


Hi you guys, what do you think about the chapter, like I said before I'm always open to criticism. 

I'm hoping to start introducing stuff involving the Uzumaki clan soon but I'm thinking that will have to wait a bit.

By the way you look great today, I like the shirt you're wearing. It really brings out the color of your eyes.

Remember you are loved and appreciated

Have a nice day/night :)


I Do NOT own the Naruto series, that belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, I own only my original characters and the plot.

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