Part 3

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Sierra wasn't ready to leave the room. She wasn't ready to face the outside world. She had taken her time eating the candy and the cakes and the macarons... discovering sweets and tastes she had never known before. Discovering her husband as he was discovering his wife. Leto understood she didn't want to take the next step. To come out and start being the Duchess of Caladan. To be seen and watched and whispered about by strangers. She felt vulnerable here alone, with no familiar face or friend in sight. But she had come so far, and there was no turning back now.

It went better than she imagined. Everyone they met in their way to her chambers had respectfully bowed to her and greeted her as 'Your Grace'. She didn't realize right away they were addressing her, it came to her as a shock when she understood: she was their Duchess. They were loyal to her.

"Nobody will make it difficult for you," Leto had said. "Everyone here will work tirelessly to make this transition as easy for you as possible. They've been instructed to treat you with kindness and with the respect you are due."

His words had come as a relief to her, but it wasn't until she experienced it that she started to believe it.

Walking around the castle made her feel small. Every hallway looked the same. She was certain she would get lost were she to try and find her way on her own.

"These are our private quarters," he said as they turned into another corridor. "My chambers are on the left, at the end of the hallway, yours are right here, adjacent to mine."

He opened the door and gestured for her to enter, giving her a reassuring smile she returned.

She stepped down the entryway, her short heels tapping loudly on the stone floor. She stood in a small square surrounded by steps leading to the first room. It was a large living room with minimalistic decoration. Black sofas with matching black armchairs surrounding a coffee table where boxes of chocolates were waiting for her. She smiled at the thoughtful gesture she knew came from Leto. The treats were a small comfort, but it was the gesture that mattered most.

He placed a hand on her lower back, encouraging her to step forward. Looking around, she saw three people were already inside the room. Two women talking in the bedroom on her right, and a soldier standing still, his back turned to them, as if he were waiting for someone to come in. As if he were waiting for her.

"Sierra," Leto said, and his voice drew the attention of whom she knew to be Lady Jessica.

The concubine, who was in the middle of a sentence, quickly finished her thought before she made her way towards them.

"Your Grace," she greeted with a bow, taking Sierra by surprise.

"M-my lady," Sierra bowed back, keeping her eyes down. She didn't have the courage to look her in the eyes, she didn't know why but she felt so ashamed.

"Sierra, I want you to meet Jessica," Leto said as he gently pushed her towards her.

"Happy to meet you, Sierra," the concubine smiled before she wrapped her arms around the Duchess, another unexpected gesture that left her speechless.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, placing her hands on Sierra's arms.

Sierra stared back astounded at the woman who had no reason to be so kind to her. In fact, she had every reason to be the opposite of kind.

"Sierra?" Leto called softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I-," she stuttered. She had no answer to give. "Tired."

"Of course," Jessica nodded. "Then we should get this over with quickly."

Sierra gave a confused look to her husband who gave her a comforting smile.

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