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duties of a gangster.

this chapter contains violence.

           SANZU LICKED THE RED LIQUID that accidentally smeared the side of his lip. this time it wasn't the red wine he was downing just a minute ago, but something more silvery than sweet.

    the gun that he had safely tucked in his trousers was gripped loosely between his fingers, blue eyes staring down at the traitors Kakucho managed to guide out to the back alley of the club. this time pushing the work towards the pink-haired man and his expertise when it comes to the traitors of Bonten.

    "you've got guts to turn your back against Bonten." Sanzu mocks, kicking one of their beaten up bodies that quivered helplessly on the ground. "it's either you are very brave or very dumb."

    "p-please we know nothing of this, we wouldn't dare taint the name of B-" a bullet pops into the man's thigh, letting him curl and groan out in pain.

    "don't fucking say Bonten, especially not with that filthy mouth of yours." Sanzu bends to grab a fistful of his hair, pulling him up and eyeing him with such fervor.

    "maybe i should cut your tongue off as punishment?" Sanzu stuffs his hand into his pocket, taking out a pill and bringing it to his lips where he immediately swallowed the small object with ease, "yeah, 'm should do that, then i'll rip your guts open for the whole world to see how much of a damn traitor you two are."

    the man in pink laughs, his vehemence for violence and agony upon his victims burning in those pelagic eyes of his.

    "easy, Sanzu." Kakucho informs, running his fingers through his aegean nest of hair. he was leaning against the wall of the club building, near the back door entrance just in case a drunken fool comes wandering outside to see such an unpleasant sight. "make sure not to make too much of a mess, i hate cleaning up your shit."

     "will do." Sanzu was too high to acknowledge the retort. a plume of neon light from the lamp hanging from the side of the night club bathes their shadowy figures in blasphemous red, and the pink-haired man that approached them once again looked more dangerous like a devil's incarnate guised as a maniac with pink hair and mint eyes decided to pay them a little visit.

    Kakucho looks on calmly, familiar with the subtleness of killing and violence for years now. it ebbs and flows through the days routinely that any other bystander would shake in trepidation at the life these young boys had resorted too. two minutes later the aegean is washed with boredom, and the screams and wails of the two unfortunate men irritated his ears. the club even from the outside was not sound-proof, letting bits and pieces of the party music slip down the alleys and streets which fortunately is enough to drown out Sanzu's maniac ministrations with ease.

    Kakucho lights up a joint and takes a long drag, averting his red-white gaze towards the end of the alley, where Tokyo bustled lively in the night. at his second exhale, he feels a vibration within his pant pockets.

    he pulls out his phone and answers the call without even looking at the caller id. "are you done?" Kokonoi's honey voice spills from the phone. Kakucho inhales ones more before parting his lips, "Sanzu's just about to finish, can you send some men to clean up the mess?"

    "already on it. also please hurry and come to the meeting. the Haitanis, Mocchi and Takeomi are already here." Kakucho hums softly and gives Kokonoi a quip before ending the call. before he could straighten himself, he noticed that the wails of agony had faded and Sanzu was already joining him on the wall. his bloodied gloves reaching out to pluck a joint from Kakucho's pocket much to his chagrin.

    "don't get the blood on me."

    "light for me, will ya?" Kakucho clicks his tongue, flicking his lighter open and beckoning for Sanzu to move closer. there was a mutual silence as they shared a quick after work smoking, looking at nothing particular but the vandalized wall in front of them. Kakucho though was jumping from thought to thought, completely zoning out and swimming in his own wrecked mind.

    neither of them dares to speak out their troubles to one another, so they opted for silence. after awhile he checked up on his co-worker beside him, surprised that he stayed quiet for so long when he notices Sanzu's rather glum and bitter expression.

    "what's gotten you in such a sour mood?" Kakucho asks, starting a small conversation.

    Sanzu glances lazily at him, taking another puff then replies briefly, "you called me at the most shittiest timing ever, i was having fun in there, you know?"

    "are you already high?" Kakucho refutes. he brushes his thumb against the screen of his phone, calling up his driver to pick the both of them up. Kakucho takes another slow puff, not noticing how Sanzu remained quiet after his insult. the man in pink racks his mind, wetting his lips in contemplation.

    "i saw someone in the club that looked familiar."

    "yeah? how familiar."

     "don't know, but she looked like Izana Kurokawa's girl."

    his statement makes Kakucho freeze. he lifts his eyes to Sanzu, but the pink-haired man doesn't seem to have anything else to say. "the fuck did you just say?"

    "woah, woah easy i just said she looked like her. didn't mean that it was her." Sanzu raises his hands in defeat when he sees the expression on Kakucho's face. "i might be wrong, i was downing a glass when i was talking with her."

    Kakucho sighs heavily, pocketing his phone and stomping his joint with the heel of his shoe.

    "next time please don't say nonsensical shit like that."

    Sanzu lifts his brow, doing the same action with his own joint but decides to stay quiet after seeing the twisted scowl swimming in his red-mismatched eye, bringing up a childhood friend really rubbed poorly on Kakucho. after five minutes a black car that scintillated the neon plumes of the club light pulls up at the side of the alleyway, where the two men waited around. Kakucho enters first, the man with mouth-scars following after him, the car's minty ambrosial hitting their noses.

    "Venus Manji make it quick, the executives' meeting will start soon."

    "yes boss." the driver murmurs. the car revs, kicking muddied asphalt underneath its dark tires, weaving in the shadows behind the theater of blasphemous sin crawling beneath.

    "how tiring." Sanzu lets his complaints wander this time. "we manage to take out the annoying critters and yet not a single information that would be useful for us."

    "we can discuss this when we are with the others." came Kakucho's reply, turning his mismatched gaze to Sanzu briefly, face twisting into a look of annoyance.

    "better wash up first before entering the room, you reek of blood." Kakucho lets his own complaint drown the rest of the evening ride.

ODE TO THE MURDERED, bontenWhere stories live. Discover now