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the prologue of an ode.

"IT'S WAY TOO EARLY to be doing something so tedious." Sanzu murmurs, his lean silhouette sauntering down the hallways of Rindou's sports bar. his eyes were soaked with boredom but he carries on nonetheless, searching for that short terror-eyed boy that guided the gentlemen to the room not too long ago.

    today is his day off actually. after dealing with Roman Nanami, the annoying grey-haired ginger fly, the pink's schedule is free aside from a few paperworks and files that needs to be sorted out before passing it to Mocchi for the final review, and to chaperone whenever and wherever his boss wants to go or do.

to help a sick-laden girl was not part of his agenda for today.

but Sanzu cannot help the curiosity peaking from the back of his head. he remembered you briefly, the strange girl that strode in Tenjiku with an unfathomable rage, or the time Mucho talked fondly about you like you where someone very important, like an old friend to him and the other brutal generation.

    you were a taboo topic, someone that though people spoke less off, when they do talk about you—they talked like you were someone that needed every little praise. a fleeting miracle and a sibylline drug that brought euphoria to the people who had tasted your ephemeral character. after witnessing Kakucho's reaction, he wanted to know more, or atleast he was just curious to know what makes you awfully special.

Sanzu's pelagic eyes stops when he sees the familiar waiter, he wastes no time approaching him. "you."

due to his bold statement, the young man flinches, "Sanzu, sir!" he starts. "is there something you need?"

"you saw the girl that's with us right?"

"the one being carried by boss Sano—yeah."

"well she collapsed from high fever, can you hand me a wet towel?"

"ofcourse sir, right away." the young male is quick witted, a high alerted employer that Sanzu needs to praise. looks like Rindou was not slapdash about the people he employs for his business even if it's just for his fraudulent entertainment.

    after a few seconds passed while waiting patiently for the young man to come back, Sanzu's phone vibrates within his pockets. the pinkette clicks his tongue, hands fiddling until he pulls out his phone, eyes squinting when a bold text of 'MONEYMAN' appears on his screen.

"Koko, what do you need?"

"where are you two and the boss? you've been out for almost two hours." the white-haired Kokonoi questions, more curious than annoyed as he continues typing away at his laptop back at Bonten Headquarters, his right side tilted upwards to encase his phone between his ear and his shoulder.

"we had a little detour, anyways why did you call i'm a little preoccupied right now." Sanzu says hurriedly when he notices the young man appearing from the corner, a small ceramic bowl in hand with a towel doused within the waters. but when he sees the pinkette answering a phone call he abruptly stops and stands idly a few feet away, pretending to be interested in anything around the bar to wait patiently upon the executive.

Kokonoi hums, dismissing Sanzu's tone casually. "well we already received information from when we investigated Roman's place and his company." to this, Sanzu is now paying his full attention on the ivory's words, his eyes furrowing in seriousness.


"we also got a little background information on that girl boss mentioned last time," Koko continues, "i'll explain more in detail about it when we have another conjoined meeting with the others."

ODE TO THE MURDERED, bontenWhere stories live. Discover now