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your fault.

this chapter contains torture and violence.

ONE MAN, ONE BURNING LIQUID, AND ONE ROMAN with sun-bruised flesh screaming and two times a pained groan spilling down his muffled lips.

    the rain continued pouring through the misty night till 11pm, not that they can hear the pitter patter of it deep within Bonten's underground where they keep their victims and enemies chained and ragged with scars. currently, Mikey had entrusted Sanzu to take over after the four executives came back half-drenched from head to toe. with a raised brow and a strict look.

    "what the fuck have you four been doing, playing under the rain?" the platinum hisses. "get out of my sight and get change quickly, you're dripping all over the floors."

a chorus of yes sir's and sorry boss' fill the air, but Mikey was already walking away, their apologies falling upon deaf ears.

the four stood there, a little dazed. Kakucho finally removes his glasses and jacket, rubbing his forehead that already started its pounding headache, lifting a hand and beckoning a nearby Bonten member to grab them a towel for them to dry themselves with.

"so," Ran threads his long fingers through his wet hair, purple eyes sliding from Rin, to Mocchi then Kaku. "this still counts as a mission complete, we can still celebrate this over drinks—"

"allow me, you wet dogs." they turn their heads and spot a grinning Kokonoi with towels already prepped in his arms.

"fuck off, Koko." Rindou hisses, accepting the towel nontheless as he dried his hair.

and now, after taking a bath and changing their attires Ran and Kakucho stood beside their boss, peering through the thick glass as Sanzu continued his inhumane torture.

the once mellow, greedy-eyed Roman Nanami had now been decayed into someone who was riddled with brown bruises from the boiling water, his body trembling from the paramounts of pain.

    "still quiet?" Sanzu questions, eyes meddled with a dangerous glint. he stalks up towards Roman and pulls the cloth that inhibited him from screaming. the man immediately inhales the denuded air through his lungs, taking deep rasps, then Roman starts shaking his head in refusal.

    "i-i swear i don't know why Quoia would dare try to provoke Bon—"

    "if you'll just spit out gibberish nonsense then expect yourself to have a missing tongue after i'm done with you." Bonten's second executive growls. he quickly fixes his gloves, drops the empty bucket on a table not too far from him and picks up his katana that had tasted many bloods of Bonten's enemies than Sanzu could count. he holds his weapon half-heartedly beside his hip, thumb grazing the hilt and turquoise eyes darkening.

     "anyone else?"


    he clicks his tongue but he holds his patience. "anyone else involved?"

everyone can see it; the way his ginger eyes fleet with panic—of fright. he was breathless and trembling and suddenly his incoherent words start forming. "involved...the only person who had conversed with me was miss y/n." then, terror gives birth to a lucid liar.

Roman grits his teeth. "it's all that bitch's fault!" he cries. "the girl that i was with in the auction earlier. shit, she set me up didn't she?!"

from behind the glass Mikey lifts a brow. Kakucho? the man is livid, his face furrowing into silent anger but he tames himself, not wanting to do anything reckless in front of his boss. his mismatched eyes catching the look on Ran's face, and he's surprised that the mauve had a mirthless grimace etched across his expression, even Ran looked annoyingly baffled by the loose threads of claims Roman started spouting.

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