Chapter 2

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Maybe things would've went better if I knew more about Logan before we started dating. Like yes, I've noticed him in some of my classes prior, always with incredibly messy hair and a skateboard wherever he went, like Chad with his basketball in High School Musical. I knew he's this cute guy underclassmen giggle about, but not necessarily the most popular guy in our year. Logan is known for skateboarding, and skipping classes to skateboard, and appearing in the background of an MTV skate show for like one second. Besides that, I had no idea what he was up to. We never talked, like ever, and I can't even remember what people he usually hangs out with.

This somehow didn't change much over the summer, even though I ended up spending all of my time with him. Though it definitely would have helped me right now, as I find myself in front of a wooden door in third floor, where all the clubrooms are located. Kaia is next to me, practically radiating out of her skin.

"This is it," she whispers, mainly to herself, "This is the moment I've been waiting for."

Where? Where does she take this kind of optimism from?

I'm starting to question everything that lead me to this specific point in my life, but before I can do so much as run away, or faint on spot, the door in front of us opens. A tiny girl with pitch black hair steps outside, her arms wrapped around a dangerously high stack of files, and stares at us.

"Oh," she says and there's a wide smile forming on her face, "Kaia! You're really came!"

"Hi Liling!" Kaia beams and goes to grab her hand, which is quite difficult with the files the girl is still trying to balance, "I'm so excited! This is my friend June."

I try my best smile.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!" Liling twirls around, beckoning us over her shoulder, "Come inside!"

I'd rather not.

The room Liling ushers us into looks nothing like a normal classroom. I spot high windows, adorned with cute red patterned curtains, long tables with laptops, books and notebooks all over, bookshelves in the back and cozy bean chairs huddled in one corner, and – all eyes on us. There's really only a small group of students present, not even ten, but they're all staring at us, sitting in front of their desks with open laptops and snacks and looking extremely professional. I spot at least three cute guys and girls that look ready for the runway.

I blindly reach for Kaia's hand, but only manage to grab the sleeve of her shirt. I still tug on it, while my left eyelid twitches, a small indication I'm about to lose it.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone!" Liling doesn't give me any time to calm down and takes both of our hands, "We're all really excited you'll join us!"

I don't remember when I officially signed up, but right now doesn't seem the right moment to point that out.

"This is our president," Liling says and drags us to a desk right in front of the chalkboard, "Johnny – Jonathan actually. He's cool. We elected him last year, so he's ordering us around and handles the finances with our VPs."

Johnny grins at us, with his perfect teeth and perfect, deep chocolate brown skin and expensive clothes, and I feel even more unnerved.

"Hi you," he says and it's not even corny, "Thanks for joining us."

Kaia's beaming and almost bouncing, and I smile awkwardly.


The next students we meet are sitting on two double-desks moved together, Liling dragging us towards it with our hands in her tight grip.

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