Chapter 5

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I vividly remember the day things went wrong between Vivian Montgomery and I. It was back in freshman year – I was the boring, quiet student that didn't talk much and Vivian Montgomery, a month into school already teacher's pet and everyone's favorite, was assigned to be my partner in a science project. There wasn't even something ground-breaking that happened between us, just the way Vivian stared at me – brows raised, lips curled, as if she thought I was the dumbest girl on earth. Vivian asked to change project partners pretty quickly and the way she told our teacher she couldn't bear working with me, because I'm making things difficult on purpose apparently, made it official – Vivian Montgomery is someone I definitely do not get along with. It didn't bother me, since befriending everyone I come across was never my plan, and Vivian never seemed to care much either.

Still, in some ways it's almost comical, Logan dumping me because of her, and not some random cute girl working at an ice cream shop. From all the girls, Logan chose Vivian Montgomery – mediocre pretty, extremely focused and involved with a lot of schoolwork and definitely not a lot of boys – which is everything but Logan's type. I wouldn't consider myself Logan's type either, but I thought I was the exception. Not Vivian. I thought I was the girl Logan befriended and somehow fell for, but apparently it was Vivian all along.

I have no idea how it happened though, since I can't really imagine the event council meeting up over summer, and it definitely felt like Logan spent all of his free time with me. So when did he meet up with Vivian? When did they find the time to even possibly hook up? I feel confused. So confused I'm biting on my thumbnail in math class, something I officially stopped years ago.

There are many points irritating me. How am I supposed to face Vivian and Logan, now that we're part of the same club and they're living the happy couple life right in front of me? Resigning isn't an option with Kaia anyway. And why do I even care so much? I shouldn't be bothered, I should be happy, glad I'm done with Logan, who isn't the love of my life anyway. I should write them a congratulations letter. Congratulations on hooking up, Logan and Vivian. Congratulations on destroying a relationship, Logan and Vivian. Congratulations on being backstabbing, little –

"June," someone says and taps on my shoulder.

It's Liling, smiling down at me. She's wearing a vintage British school uniform and her hair is straight and glossy, only curled as its ends, which amazes me so much I almost miss what she's saying.

"I saw you here – all alone. Why don't we go to the council meeting together?"

All alone? I'm partly confused, which lasts until I realize classes ended minutes ago. Apparently I was way more fed up with Vivian and Logan than I thought.

"Oh, right," I say and bend down to grab my bag, quickly stuffing my books and notebooks in it, "Thank you – you're a junior, right?"

Awkward conversation starters are awkward, but I can't think of anything better besides the bits of information I remember. Liling' smile grows wider and she shifts her weight to the tip of her blue Mary Janes, as if she's a ballerina.

"Yes! I'm in a lot of classes with Johnny and Duncan – that's how I became a member of the council," she explains, "Since the council is fairly new, we are part of its founding members!"

"The council is fairly new?" I say and quickly get up, which requires a few second to pause and balance on my shoes.

Liling nods. "Johnny – our president – was originally part of the student council. But the more events, the more complicated everything got. In the end, the student council decided to split and so we, the event council, were born. Just ask Johnny, he'll gladly tell you the whole heroic story about how he fought for our freedom."

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