Chapter 35

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The other club members are all over the place, and we randomly run into each of them over the evening. Duncan seems pretty annoyed, sitting at one of the tables with a murderous expression and a pretty girl by his side I've never seen before. She looks bored and files her nails with rapid speed. Duncan looks like he's completely forgotten about her existence.

"Who is this dwarf Liling's dancing with?" he asks and furrows his brows, "Looks like a loser. Is he even from our school?"

"Easy there," Matthew says, "That's my brother. Leonard wanted to attend so badly but needed a partner. I asked Liling. She was cool with it."

Duncan sends death glares to where Liling is laughing with her arms wrapped around Leonard's shoulders. He doesn't look uncomfortable anymore, but guides her professionally to the music. They look good together, and it's working just the right way for Duncan.

"I can't believe it," he mutters, "She ditched me for a preschooler."

His partner looks up from her nails and rolls her eyes so hard I feel a little sick watching. Matthew laughs and exchanges a few words with her while I try to cheer Duncan up, but it's not like he's listening to me anyway.

"How you made Liling ditch Aaron Steinberg for Leonard is completely beyond me," I tell Matthew once we're back on the dancefloor, "Seriously, how did you do it? And wouldn't Aaron Steinberg work just as well to make Duncan all jealous?"

"I didn't do anything," Matthew tells me and laughs, "Duncan actually went all out on that one. Apparently, he called Aaron and told him he's going to make sure his Biology average will seriously drop if he takes out Liling, since Mrs. Bergmann is our club advisor and everything. Complete bullshit of course, but Aaron bought it. Too bad Liling didn't choose Duncan anyway. She was all confused, calling me last minute for help."

I can't help but laugh. "Oh no. Liling was really excited for prom night with Aaron."

"She didn't seem too sad about it," Matthew comments, "Mostly worried about her pictures. I don't think she was ever interested in him."

He twirls me around, and it's right when Agatha passes us slowly. She's in the arm of a huge guy, taller than everyone else in the room, and doesn't even notice us. The guy stares at her adoringly and she smiles right back at him. Kaia is making big eyes from where she's dancing with Johnny and points at them in amazement.

"You guys look amazing," Kaia screams when Johnny guides her in our direction, "Like you're models out of a magazine. I'm not even kidding! Everyone is staring at you!"

Probably because my dancing looks like a preschooler's, but that's not what I'm saying.

"I think everyone is staring at you and Johnny," I say with a smile, "You're stunning."

"Nice dress, Kaia," Matthew says.

Kaia beams and straightens her dress, "That's so sweet, thank you."

Johnny rolls his eyes and waves his hands. "We'll see you later. Don't embarrass the club."

He doesn't look too annoyed though, but mostly smitten with the way he guides Kaia with a strong hold on her waist. Kaia tells me later just how surprised she was when Johnny asked her out, which I didn't know what to reply to, because seriously. And Kaia thinks I'm the dense one.

Carlos is all busy with his food. Every time we pass him, there's a new plate in front of him.

"What?" he says, "This is really good. You guys chose well, perfect to heal me from the mashed potatoes trauma."

I laugh and offer him my hand. "Do you want to dance?"

"Maybe later," Carlos tilts his head and winks at me, "Come on, Matthew's waiting for you. Have fun."

He squeezes my hand and I quickly lean down to kiss his cheek.

When I turn back around, Matthew twirls me right back onto the dancefloor as if he can't wait to continue. I almost fall over my own feet and have to grip tightly onto his arm.

"Did you just try to ditch me for Carlos?"

Matthew grins at me and he looks so, so happy. The smile doesn't leave his face, not even once, and it's so addictive. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him down towards me.

"Damn, you caught me. I'm sorry."

Matthew laughs and kisses me, hot and breathless, and then he twirls me around some more until we're kind of dancing two-step to a hip-hop song. I mean, why not. I have no idea what you're supposed to dance to hip-hop anyway, besides maybe breakdance and – no thank you.

Three songs later, we're taking a break. My feet hurt and Matthew tells me in secret his mother had him take a million dance classes in middle school, together with Leonard, because she thinks that's something every guy has to know – "but it's not something I actually enjoy, you know?"

I'm pretty sure Matthew enjoys it a lot. I'm also sure my future will consist of way more dancing than before from now on, which is probably something I should get used to. But looking at Matthew like this – I'm feeling cheesy, and mushy. It's great.

Getting drinks takes us ages, since we have to wait in a long line for the tables we prepped as makeshift bars, and we're also standing behind a group of freshmen that absolutely cannot decide between coke and lemonade. I don't care. I'm smiling and tugging onto Matthew's hand, trying to get him to lean down and maybe kiss me.

It's right then when I spot the two people I was looking for through most of the night.

Vivian doesn't dance. She's sitting on one of the chairs, a plate of quesadillas in front of her, and sips on her drink with a stern expression. Her partner, a handsome senior I don't know, sends her exasperated looks, but she doesn't even notice. Instead, her whole attention is on Logan. He's sitting right across her, face desperate, and gestures avidly while he's apparently talking a mile a minute.

Vivian doesn't say word, but she doesn't turn away either. Somehow, I'm sure they're not over yet. And weirdly enough, I feel glad about it. Which surprises me myself, but really shouldn't, since the reason is right next to me.

"Matthew," I let go of his hand to reach out and cup his face in my hands, turning him to look at me.

"What?" he smiles and the look in his eyes is intense.

"Thank you," I say and softly caress his cheek, "For everything."

I lean up and kiss him, and Matthew slings his arms around my waist.

"Wait, is that all?" he asks with a laugh and a blinding smile.

Then, he pulls me in for a real kiss.   

The Best Kind of BetrayalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora