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I am an all powerful vampire. I can make anyone fall to their knees before me. I can make anyone submit to me and do my bidding. I can rule the world with my incredible power.

And I wanted it. I wanted to rule the world. I wanted the world to be under my thumb. Everyone would learn to fear me. Everyone would obey my orders. I'd be an unstoppable force that could rule the world for centuries.

That is until the humans found a spell. They tweaked the spell to be strong enough to stop me. Once I heard of their plans, I went to kill every last one of them. But they had already finished the spell and yelled it at me before I could stop them.

Magical restraints from my hands to my elbows bound my arms together. I used my amazing strength to get out of it. It didn't work. The humans were overjoyed that they finally found something to stop me.

When I tried to retaliate, I felt the restraints sapping away my energy. I could do nothing but fall to my knees. I looked up at the excited expressions of the weak humans as they looked down on me for once. I wondered if this was how they felt living in fear of vampires all this time.

That was the beginning of my pathetic life. Despite being immortal, I felt fear for the first time. I wasn't as powerful as I thought I was if some dumb spell could render me powerless.

I lived hundreds of years in captivity, sometimes being forgotten in old catacombs. But humans found me. When they did, I attempted to kill them with the energy I was saving. They knew I was dangerous after that and took me to a better, more fortified jail where I'd continue to live my days.

Soon it was the present day. I was held captive in some type of slave trade. It was underground and their business was hush hush. No one knew I existed. I don't know why these humans even kept me around. Not like they know how to kill me though.

They don't feed me but it's not like I can die from starvation. They rarely visit me in my concrete cell and I never see a glimpse of the sun. If they do visit me, I try to run at them and tear their throats out. But then electricity stuns me and they bind my legs. I can always break out of those binds after I recover. My attempts to escape are useless. I wonder what I can even do with my arms bound.

I have one trick up my sleeve: intimidation. I can intimidate my enemies and make them writhe on the floor in fear. I've attempted that one too many times and the humans are cautious of me. My intimidation has incredible range but I can only use it once a day. Especially in my poor condition, I'm not like what I used to be. I can't use my powers as much as I could in my prime. Otherwise, I would have killed all of these humans already.

Today seemed the same as any other. A few humans decided to come visit me. I wondered if it was worth using energy to try another useless attempt at escaping. I decided not to. I'm tired. For once in my life, I wished I wasn't immortal.

I was startled to see the humans approaching me. They had their devices with electricity buzzing, out and ready. Fear was a deep knife in my chest. I can't even save myself because of these binds and my lack of power. If they torture me or try to kill me like I've experienced in the past, there may be nothing I can do.

They lift me up by my upper arms. They put their devices close to my neck. I can feel a slight prickle of electricity. Then they lead me out of my cell. Where are they taking me? What's happening? I'm on edge. I let out a low growl. That just makes the electricity start to burn my neck. I can still feel pain of course. I've never felt anything like this though. Humans have advanced so far to make devices like this. It truly scares me to wonder about what else they may have in store for me.

I'm taken down a dim hallway. The hallway leads to a bigger, more open room. I see what looks like a chair in front of me, although it has strange wheels attached at the bottom. There's a door to my right. I'm shoved into the chair. Then they start binding me to it with rope and chains. I already know I can break out of it. That'd be using too much energy and I'd like to see what they have in store for me first.

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