Chapter 1 (1/2)

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After seeing how crazy the human named Cade is, I felt scared to try and leave again. He seemed like a ticking time bomb. Maybe if he wanted to kill me, he actually could. I still haven't known a single soul who knows how to kill an immortal vampire though.

Cade shows me to a room. He says I own it now. I cautiously let him lead me inside. He shows off the bed and dresser where I can keep my clothes. Cade seems stronger than other humans, but he's also stupid. I don't have any other clothes. Why would I use this thing called a dresser?

"Well, that's pretty much it..." Cade says, glancing around the room. "Need anything else?"

I stare blankly at him.

"No? Ok! Good night then!" Cade leaves the room and closes the door.

Wait! I can't use doorknobs!! Now I'm stuck in this room unless I break out. I worry what Cade might do to me if I break the door... I plop down on the bed. It's already surprisingly comfortable. But I don't feel safe here. I can't let myself relax and sleep. Yes, vampires can sleep. They don't necessarily need to. I can go without sleep for centuries. That's actually what I started doing once I was captured.

I just pace the room and look around it. I plop down and sit in a corner of the room after I've memorized the layout. I didn't really mean to memorize it though. I stare off into space. When I focus, I can sense things that a human couldn't. I recognize that outside the sky is changing and the sun will soon rise. I wait it out.

Eventually I hear Cade move inside the house. I hear his footsteps approach and I look at the door. He opens it.

"Good mor—!" Cade notices me sitting on the floor. "Oh... whatcha doing there?"

"'Whatcha'...?" I don't recognize that word.

"Short for 'what are you'. So? The bed not to your liking?" Cade walks in the room and I try to back into the wall but I'm already up against it.

Cade only goes to the bed and sits on it. He bounces a few times. "Hm... seems comfortable to me." He stands up. When he takes a step towards me, I growl.

Cade gets the idea. He puts his hands up then leaves the room. The door is left open. After a bit, I cautiously stand up. I peek outside the door. It looks like he might be preparing food. I go back to my corner and continue sitting there. I just want to wait this out. Once Cade dies at the end of his human life, I can then be free. I can wait a little longer.

From then on, I acted like I was still captive which was half true. Cade checked on me. He asked what I could eat besides the obvious since I'm a vampire. I ignored him. He showed concern for me since I wouldn't move or even sleep. I ignored him. Sometimes he left the house but I said I'd wait until he died to move so I stayed put. Cade looked like he wouldn't give up on me. But he checked on me less and less.

One day Cade stared at me while he leaned against the doorframe. He didn't say a word like he usually does. I ignored him. Or tried to. I felt his eyes burrowing into me. It's uncomfortable. I can't take it much longer. But if I reply, will I be submitting to him? I don't want that. I'd rather die.

"You need to bathe," Cade finally said.

I couldn't help looking at him, my eyebrows furrowed.

"You stink. When was the last time you bathed? Actually never mind, don't answer that. I'm afraid to know the answer."

So even Cade is afraid of something... but he's afraid to know the last time I've bathed? I still can't understand him.

Cade starts walking towards me. My fight or flight mode turns on. I growl at him but he keeps coming. Then I use my intimidation again, hoping it'll do something. It only stops him for a minute when he grabs his head and clenches his teeth. Then he continues towards me, still in pain. His hand gets too close for comfort.

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