Chapter 4 (1/2)

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The blinding light made it impossible to see. I had to close my eyes until it died down. When I could finally open them to see what had just happened, Cade was already staring.

"S...Silas..." Cade tried to get the words out. "Your... Your restraints...!"

I looked down. My arms were held together out of habit. Yet nothing was holding them together. I slowly tried to tear them apart. There was no restraint as I did so. I could only stare at my bare, free arms.

"How...?" I was so dumbfounded. The restraints that had plagued me for so long... are now gone. What caused it? How'd they disappear? Why am I free? This isn't a dream, is it?

"...your pinky..." Cade said.

I looked at my left hand. My pinky was cut cleanly off, there is no nub. It looks like I only have four fingers on one hand. Although it wasn't that clean when the crazed vampire did it, I cut the rest off because it bothered me.

Cade fell to his knees. "I can't believe it... I can't believe your restraints are gone... How'd that even happen...? What was that light...?"

I could barely look away from my arms and hands. "...I'm not sure."

"But this is great!! Now you're free!! How do you feel!?"

"I'm just... shocked."

"Come on, be more excited!! Now you can do whatever you want! Open doors, clean yourself, or whatever else that requires hands."

I put my arms down. "Now that I can do all that... Do you want me to leave?"

"Huh...?" Cade had to think about it. "Well... Although we had that talk about my past... I won't feel better about myself immediately. I still feel like I'm a bad person... And I wouldn't want you to be stuck with me if you can leave. It's your decision."

"Will you always hate yourself if I stay?"

Cade looked unsure. He didn't know what to say. Even if he says nothing... I feel like he'll always hate himself, whether I stay or not. But I want to be selfish. I don't want to leave. I also don't want him to always think he's a bad person. Maybe if I stay, I can be a reminder that he isn't.

I reached out with my free hands. It felt good to finally be able to use them. I took his face between them. His eyes met mine as I leaned down.

"You're not a bad person. I will continue to remind you of that every day. If you want me to leave, you'll have to prove that you believe that yourself before I go."

Cade only stared back into my eyes. Then they began to well up with tears. He sniffed and put his hand on mine. "Okay... And I'll remind you that you're not a bad vampire. You'll never be a monster in my eyes."

"...I love how I look in your eyes."

Cade looked startled. "Now I really need to know... Do you like me, Mr King of Vampires?"

Right... I began to figure it out... The feeling in my chest... It was a strange feeling that I didn't know I was capable of. But when I figured out just how much I cared for this human, how I almost turned him because I didn't want him to disappear, I realized what the feeling was.

"I like you," I say.

Cade was even more surprised. Then he suddenly wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I looked at my free arms. Then I gently wrapped them around him too.

"Silas, I... I like you too, but... I'm afraid..."

"Afraid that you'll go crazy again?"


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