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"Sorry Uncle" Vesper said as she rode on the same limousine as Akira, Mori's father

"Well we're both going to the same mall.. I don't see why I should be mad" Akira said "What are you buying anyway?"

"A swimsuit. Senpai says he already has one and he also has a bit of training so he didn't want to come" Vesper said "We are going to a resort I think"

"I see..." Akira said. He paused for a bit. Vesper is Takashi's guest, Akira doesn't really mind her and kinda let's his son do what he wants knowing he'll be responsible for his studies and practices anyways. However he's also curious if she likes his son "...Uh.. so you... Have been coming to the dojo I heard"

Akira decided to beat around the bush

"Yes. Senpai makes sure I come as well. It's a good way to relieve my violent frustrations he said" Vesper said. She has detected that he is beating around the bush but wants to be polite to him

"I heard you're pretty strong" Akira said

"I am not a professional. Senpai can probably get you a professional opinion" Vesper said

"No that's fine.. in school... Does Takashi stick around you as well?" Akira asked

"We're in different class but whenever we're at the host club he's nearby me" Vesper said. However that's mostly due to him being the main babysitter or protecting people from Vesper

"I see... Do you perhaps have any feelings for my son?" Akira asked


"I see well it must be my old way of thinking, just because you have sex doesn't mean.... Wait what? What did you say?" Akira asked

"I said yes sir" Vesper said

"...You have feelings for my son?"

"Yes. We had sex after all. Not only was it my first time but I also wouldn't do it with just anybody" Vesper said "However my feelings for Senpai are just a little bit of a crush, he's strong and we get along well but I will not act upon it"

"....Why?" Akira asked

"I have other priorities. My feelings for Senpai are there but it's not big enough for me to act upon. I simply like him and that's it. Senpai and I are still friends" Vesper said "Maybe my feeling will grow or maybe not but so far it's just a little crush. At this point I don't even care if the feeling disappears because we're still friends. I will decide to act upon it when I fall in love. But just in case, keep it a secret"

"...I see" Akira said. To be honest he wasn't sure if Vesper is a bit weird on this thinking or if there are more teenagers her age thinking like this... But then again maybe some of the kids his age have had this kind of thinking

(Time skip)

"Father?" Mori walked over to Akira as he went to to dojo "How's shopping with Vesper? Was she naughty?"

"I was busy with buying swimsuits" Vesper walked past him "I would have bought from my cousin but she doesn't really make swimsuits"

"She's fine" Akira said "I also bought an anniversary gift for your mother"

"Vesper-nee, can you cook for me today?" Satoshi asked, he has been loving the dishes served by Vesper

"I can cook for you sure but I think we ran out of ingredients" Vesper said

"We have a ton here" Satoshi said

"How about we go out and by cow's tongue? I can show you where I buy meat too" Vesper said

"Cool!" Satoshi said

Akira looked as Vesper and Satoshi walked to the entrance "Hey uh.. I haven't tasted your cooking.. Satoshi tells me it's eccentric.. could you make some for me too?"

"Sure thing" Vesper said as she left with Satoshi

Akira looked back at Mori as he shook his head "I think you made a big mistake father....Satoshi has always had questionable taste and loves spiciness even before Vesper came"

"It's worth a shot" Akira said "By the way. I'd like to talk to you son"



(Time skip)

"What?! Vesper is the one responsible for the increasing number of injuries in the dojo" Akira asked "Why have the complaints not reach me yet?"

"No one has complained" Mori said "Vesper is a bit wild but she plays well and actually tried to spar as you should on other members"


"Yeah. Doesn't apply much to me, she tries to do her best to break my bones.. thanks to that I think got faster agility.." Mori sighed "I feel like my reaction time has gotten quicker too. Vesper has yet to be successful to break any of my bones or has she stabbed me"

"Ah I heard she brings weapons" Akira said

"She doesn't do it anymore cause I told her that she can practice her weapons at Honey's place when I got to train with him there. She can use as much as she wants so long as it doesn't hit anyone alive" Mori said "I don't have to worry about animal or children though. She has a soft spot for them and doesn't hurt them... Though she can be a bad influence"

"...Takashi I've been wondering you and Vesper-"

"So you've noticed" Mori nodded "Yeah I like Vesper"

Akira gasped "So you-"

"She can be a real headache and a handful but I don't hate it. She's quite well behaved in certain times and recently has been a little more obedient" Mori said "But I feel like Vesper isn't even thinking about this stuff, she's quiet weird after all. And I don't really plan on telling her since it's just a little crush"


"Oh but I didn't help her out and let her stay because I like her. I started liking her a little after that so don't worry I won't just chase her out just because I don't like her anymore" Mori stood up "Anyways keep this a secret father"

"...." Akira watched as Mori left. First Vesper says she likes his son and now his son says he actually likes Vesper too. But the big problem is both of them are telling him to keep it a secret

He knows how to keep a secret but this seems really tempting because both of them have a little crush on eachother that they don't want to act upon. Akira feels like he's a little too old to be the one to keep these kinds of secrets

Akira sighed

Akira Morninozuka, had unexpectedly gotten stressed today

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