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"President! This is dangerous" Ukyo, a member of the newspaper club said to their president Matsu

"He's right. The host club may be publishing things better than us but they have Vesper Addams" Sato said

"Vesper Addams is exactly the person we'll do a paper about" Matsu said

"Sir no! We'll all die! We'll get expelled! Ever since Vesper Addams came here at least 7 people have been expelled. The first one was Aoi Seri" Sato said "We can't risk this sir"

"We don't even need to go to the host club. We just need to publish what people are already thinking about her" Matsu said "There are so many rumors about her we write a ton"


"Bad omen sir. This is really bad" Sato said

"If we're successful maybe the whole school will complain about her and she gets expelled but if we fail..." Ukyo sighed

"We can do this guys" Matsu said "If we do this, lots of people will start buying. Vesper Addams always seems to be

(Time skip)

"What?! What do you mean it can't be printed? We spent 3 days on that" Matsu said

"All of our printers are broken" Sato said "Wires looks like they've been chewed on, parts are missing, the inside is a wreck"

"We tried calling for repairs but nobody came. We tried to get in printed outside but the file on the computer won't work" Ukyo said

"...This is definitely the work of that Vesper Addams. She has found out about it! I'll report it to the principal!"

(Time skip)

"That's impossible" The principal sighed

"Sir you favoritism is taking it too far! We are only going to publish what she has done" Matsu said

"Vesper hasn't even been to school this week" The principal said


"Vesper has apparently taken pets. And since they're not used to their home yet, she's training them and helping them out. Vesper has no problems academically and to be honest the office could use a little break from her so I agreed and let her take as much time" The principal sighed "Yet for some reason even when she's not here. I have a complain from you about her.... Look the printers in your club have been here since the school first started.. maybe they're just really old"

"B-but- sir this is surely something to do with Vesper. I mean she even got 7 people expelled"

"Those people have had their own reasons for being expelled that Vesper just shined a light on because they somehow had a scuffle and Vesper revealed it. Besides weapons and maybe damaged property. Vesper usually leaves people alone till they did something" The principal said "Since you haven't even printed it yet. And Vesper isn't even in school. I can assume she's not"

"She could've gone here to visit the host club after school hours!"

"I told the host club to tell me whenever Vesper is in school. It's like a daily attendance just so I know what's to come for my day. Kyoya Ootori has been emailing me whenever Vesper is here even if it's just an after school" The principal sighed "So is Kyoya lying or suddenly not reporting?"


(Time skip)

"Ah damn. Who on earth would do this if not for Vesper Addams?" Matsu sighed as he walked back to their club room

"Oh look who's back"

Matsu gasped as he was pulled inside and pushed to the middle of the room as someone closed the door. Matsu looked around as both his club members are kneeling on the ground infront of his desk

Right at the club president's desk sat a guy he has never seen before but is wearing the school uniform. Matsu looked around the whole room and at least. 7 people were there just standing around and 2 of them stood by the door

"So you're Matsu. The president of the newspaper club that's about to get disbanded" The guy on the desk said

"Who are you?!" Matsu asked

"Me? I'm just a guy in the 2nd year. I'm also a student here if you're suspicious. We're not talking to eachother again so no need to know my name" The guy said

"Why are you doing this?!" Matsu asked

"...Do you remember Vermin Addams?"


"When he came to visit his sister here. He roamed around the whole school. He didn't ask everyone but he asked those he wanted like us.. to join his gang" The guy said "He's pretty persuasive and gave us a pretty good deal. After school he also told us to look after his sister"

"I knew it! An Addams did this!" Matsu said

The people in the room stared at him

"President please stop!" Ukyo said

"Messing with them is bad! We told you about this! Not Vesper Addams!" Sato said

The guy who sat at the desk nodded "Vesper Addams wouldn't have minded this paper though. For her point of view it is not bad. But not only did you not ask permission from Vesper Addams herself, you also wanted the whole school against her. That would be very inconvenient for her and we wouldn't want that"


"You will not publish this. You will delete everything you had about this. You will not spread rumors on what happened. We never met eachother. We will never talk to eachother either" The guy said

"...Or what?" Matsu bravely asked "You're...just a student too.. you can get expelled.."

"Then me" Another guy walked to the front, he was visibly taller than the other guy but still wore a uniform "Former police force of the Ootori group. I can make you silent about this whole ordeal"

Matsu gulped

(Time skip)

"Yes Boss" The guy said while he talked to Vermin on the phone "They will not be inconveniencing Vesper Addams ever again. Nor will they even talk about this incident. They will publish only honest articles along with the person's permission and try their best to stop their club from disbanding"

"Great. Make sure nobody tries to do more inconvenience to her" Vermin said "And give her more dark secrets that you search about in that ugly prison"

"Yes sir" The guy said

"Oh by the way. What have you pulled out on this girl Renge?" Vermin asked "She had been very rude to Vesper before"

"We have a few that will affect her family sir. We also have contacts on her ex but we have yet to interview him to find out more"

"Interview that guy. And look into her previous school. She's annoying so she's probably got some enemy there" Vermin said

"Yes sir"

"Take care of Vesper"

"Yes sir"

[Author: Oh by the way the episode with Kirimi is skipped because Vesper gave Nekozawa a contact to help him go into the sunlight. Nekozawa has built a bit of resistance to talk and interact with Kirimi

Honey's toothache episode is also skipped because not only does the Morinozuka family get to eat Vesper's food. Vesper also tries to do desserts for Honey which contained no sugar at all. Honey felt bad since she put all that effort so he ended up eating it everytime she makes it and because of the foul taste sometimes he has rigorously brush his teeth just to get the taste to disappear from his mouth]

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