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"They're gonna visit us right here at the host club?" Tamaki asked while they all gathered at the host club "..Why do I feel nervous?"

"Yeah. They're coming right now. My younger brother Bram said they're in the building" Vesper said as she just got off the phone "My twin brother is probably wandering around trying to look for people to recruit in his gang but he'll turn up"

"How old is your younger brother?" Haruhi asked

"6. We have a ten year difference but he's pretty mature" Vesper said


A little boy opened the door to the host club, he has black hair, heterochromia black and brown eyes, and pale skin. This is most definitely Bram Addams. He wore black and gray overalls and he was dragging around a black garbage bag

"That's Bram" Vesper walked over to Bram "Hey there"

"Hi Nee-chan!" Bram hugged Vesper "This is so scary! Why is this prison so bright?!"

"You'll get used to it" Vesper patted his head "Meet my friends"

"Hello there!" Hikaru and Kaoru approached Bram, they weren't sure what they were nervous about but Bram seems nice. He's voice is a bit loud compared to Vesper being soft spoken but so far he seems like a normal little boy "We're Hikaru and Kaoru"

"Uh yeah.. nee-sama sent us a picture and told us your names..." Bram said "...Hi"

"You talk about us Vesper~" The twins asked

"Of course. Why not?" Vesper asksd

"Oh~ you're pretty cute huh?" Tamaki approached Bram "By the way what's in that garbage bag?"

"My toy" Bram said

"Toy? I wonder what it is" Haruhi looked as Bram reached into the garbage bag. Tamaki gasped as Bram pulled out a gun. He is currently kneeled Infront of Bram so the gun is extremely close to him, not only that but Bram points it at his head


Vesper had reached in and pointed his arm up so the bullet just hit the chandelier "Mother's rules while we're here. No killing or sending someone to critical condition. We're guests here of Uncle Suoh"

Tamaki was frozen in shock at what had just happened, if Vesper hadn't aimed it up, he would've gotten shot point blank by Bram's gun and would have been dead

"...Sorry.. I should've tased him instead.. but I forgot to bring it" Bram said

"It's ok" Vesper said

"Vesper" Mori patted Vesper's shoulder

Vesper sighed "Give your gun to him. They confiscate items of ours"

"..." Bram gave Mori his gun

"Have anymore weapons?" Mori kneeled down to him

Bram gave Mori his garbage bag filled with his toys "Will you return it?"

"Sure" Mori said

*Sigh* Tamaki sighed as he had just finished processing his near death experience. He walked behind Hikaru and Kaoru for protection. Haruhi had sat next to Kyoya and Honey. Kyoya was busy with his laptop while Honey was just eating cake

"Bram. Want cake?" Honey asked

Bram shook his head

"We have burnt cake too" Honey said

"Burned! I want one!" Bram said. Vesper wanted burned cakes so they started purposely burning a few just for her "...Nee-sama why are there swimsuits here?" Bram asked while he's walking to the kitchen with Honey then saw tons of mannequin with swimsuits on

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