Chapter 20

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Time came to a standstill as wisps of smoke escaped my gun. Louis took his gun out, giving me a glance as he hurried towards the hospital entrance and hid near the walls next to it. Charlie's hands were near his face, his eyes shut tight, rooted to his spot as if he would die if he made a move. I lowered my gun, exhaling.

My rage did not blind me. My conscience was still intact.
In Louis' background, I saw the assassin run out, clutching his gun. He stood, as though confused. Of course, I couldn't see that behind his mask, but I could imagine the confusion on his face by the sight in front of him.

Charlie froze, eyes wide, as my shot went past his head. My muzzle aimed ten inches away from his ear. I kept my gaze fixed on the assassin as I lowered my gun.

"Louis," I said.

Louis whipped around and aimed his gun at him. The assassin's gun snapped up in response. I seized this opportunity and shot his hand. He winced and dropped the gun, clutching his wrist. Blood streamed from it and stained the pavement. I shot his calf next, bringing him down to one knee. I had to appreciate his vow of silence. He didn't even cry out in pain.

"You okay?" I asked Charlie.

His shoulders relaxed and he exhaled. "Define okay. I didn't even know if you were acting anymore. It looked like you meant it."

I wiped my cheeks dry with my thumb. "I had to make it convincing. You had to believe it too."

"I'm very fine, thanks for asking," Louis quipped. "Want to focus on the matter at hand?"

The three of us went to the assassin. He knew better than to try anything funny. He'd been outnumbered before, back at the HQ, yet he took us all on. We refused to repeat the mistake of letting our guard down. Louis kicked his gun away from him.

"How did you know he'd come?" Charlie asked.

"Why wouldn't he?" I said. "He's protective of you. Perhaps Vincent wouldn't give a shit, but he would."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean all the times he didn't hurt you. Back at the HQ, he had you in his control. He refused to put a bullet in your skull when he could've. For someone as soulless as Vincent, it was odd he would spare you, of all people. What's so special about you?"

"He wanted to use him as bait," Louis replied. "Same way Frost had those hostages."

"It's more than that," I said. "You honestly think Vincent would hold hostages? Nah. He spared Charlie because he had to." I gestured to the assassin. "Because of this guy."

Behind the dark goggles and the mask, I imagined the man glaring at me.

I glanced at the kid. "He gave you the phone so you could call for help. He gave away Vincent's number. And whenever you stepped in the way to protect one of us, he wouldn't dare shoot you. He could kill the rest of us, but he would never harm you. To care about someone like that, you'd have to be close to them. A friend. A family. Or more precisely—" I took the assassin's goggles off and pulled off his mask. "A brother."

Charlie's mouth parted in disbelief at the man behind the mask. "Devin."

Devin could barely look at him.

"Holy shit," Louis muttered. "You backstabbing son of a bitch."

I had found it strange that Vincent went after Haley when Charlie was the real loose end. He killed her, then Robert and then went straight for Henry, ignoring Charlie as if he didn't exist. Everyone he said he would kill, he did—except the kid—because Charlie was never a part of his plan in the first place. There was a good chance his big brother might've negotiated with Vincent to spare his life, and in turn, he served as Vincent's pawn. While the kid was kept out of danger, Henry and Robert paid the price.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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