Unexpected Guest

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Jungkook's POV
~A month later~
Babysitting has been great, the kids are great, Junwoo is five months old now and he smiles a lot. Chaeyoung lost her first tooth one time and she got money from the tooth fairy. I get paid a good amount of money each month and I usually give some money to Jimin to help pay things.

I had been studying for exams coming up in a week and I've been super tired but I still go and babysit at the same time. I was studying when I heard a knock on the door so I closed my books and picked Junwoo up and slightly opened the door. "Yes?" I saw a lady standing there, she seemed rich in the way she dressed. "Hi I'm here to see my kids." "Oh, I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to let you in. Have a good day m'am." I was closing the door when she put her foot in between. She pushed the door open and walked in and closed the door. "Listen here, I get to see my children WHENEVER I want! My ex husband does not have any control of that!" I held Junwoo close. "I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to call Mr.Kim!" I grabbed my phone, dialed his number and called him.

It ran for a couple of seconds before he picked up. "Yes Jungkook?" "Umm, your ex-wife is here." "What?! Okay don't let her near the kids I'll be there right away!" He ended the call. "Now where is my daughter?" "I'm not saying." "Fine, I'll look for her myself!" "Kookie? I'm not sleepy anymore." She was hugging her teddy bear and walked up to me. "Sweetie! I'm so glad I could see you!" She was about to hug her but she hugged onto my leg. "I don't like her..." I looked at the lady again. "Come to mommy!" She hugged tighter on my leg. "I don't like mommy, she hurt daddy." "M'am like I said you need to leave." "I'm not leaving!" "Yes you are Jiwoo." Namjoon was standing at the door with his arms crossed. "Jungkook can you take Chaeyoung outside?" "Okay." I led Chaeyoung outside and she went onto one of the swings.

No one's POV
"What the fuck are you doing here Jiwoo?" "So I can't come see my children when I want to?" He chuckled and walked into the kitchen. "Oh so now they're your children? You ditched the kids you're supposed to care of to go party, get drunk or high!!" "Well you were here taking care of them!" Jiwoo followed him into the kitchen. "No it's not supposed to be just one parent! It's working with BOTH parents! A mom and dad, mom and mom, or dad and dad! Not just one, and the other one decides her party life is more important!" "I care for them!" Namjoon groaned. "You only care for yourself! You left and screwed a lot of people! Hickeys all over you! You had Junwoo with someone else remember?" "So you don't want him anymore?!" Namjoon looked at her in shock. "I love my son even though biologically he isn't mine! I'm not treating him any different unlike you!"

Soon enough she starting "crying" and Namjoon had enough. "Oh my gosh stop with the fake crying! You never cared about the kids!" He slammed his hand on the table. "All you ever did was party! When you had Junwoo, you REFUSED to hold him!! You never took Chaeyoung to her first day of school! Or see Junwoo's milestones! I did that! Now get the fuck out of my house!" She stopped "crying" and grabbed her purse and stormed out. Jungkook went back in. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah, sorry you had to deal with her for a bit. You okay Chaeyoung?" She nodded and hugged onto Namjoon. "She's gone right?" "Yes sweetie she's gone."

"You hungry Chaeyoung?" "Yes! Can I have some chicken nuggets please!" "Okay I'll put them in the oven!" Jungkook grabbed the bag of chicken nuggets but Namjoon grabbed them. "It's fine, I'll get the food ready for her. You can go home for today." "Oh okay, I'll just take the bus! Have a good day!" Jungkook left and walked to the bus stop, waiting for a bus to arrive. After 10 minutes a bus stopped and he got in and waited until it took him to his apartment complex. He got down and went up to his apartment but he saw Jimin had Yoongi over so he decided to not bother them and took Jimin's keys and quietly left. He drove around town and stopped at the mall. After walking around for awhile and actually buying some things for myself, he ran into some of my friends, Felix, Soobin and Lisa.

"How's the babysitting going?" "Going good, the oldest is three, turning four in a couple of days actually and he has a baby that is five months old." "Awww does he have chubby cheeks?!" He smiled. "Yeah he does." "How is your roommate Jimin?" "He's....okay I guess, haven't really been able to talk to him." We all got some ice cream and sat down at a table. "How have you guys been?" "Doing okay, just bored most of the time." "Aren't you supposed to be studying for the exams?" "Well...we already took them." "Already?!" "Yeah, we got the earliest date for exams." "Ugh, lucky, I tried getting the first date open but it was already full." He looked at the time and decided he should go home. "I'm gonna go home! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Jungkook waved bye to his friends, left and drove back to the apartment but when he went inside, he saw Jimin and Yoongi cooking in the kitchen. "Oh hey Kook! Where were you?" "At the mall, didn't wanna bother you when I got back from babysitting." "Oh, you hungry?" "No I'm fine, I'm gonna go to bed, maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" "Yeah for sure! Goodnight Kook!" Jungkook went into his room, changed into some pajamas and actually fell asleep pretty quickly.

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