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Namjoon's POV
~A Year Later~
It's been a whole year, it felt like it was only last month since I hired Jungkook to babysit. Junwoo is 1 now, about to be 2, and Chaeyoung is 4. Jungkook actually gets to graduate early since he has been studying hard and took all of his exams, so he's very excited about that. Today I was getting ready for work and putting my tie on when there was a knock on my door. I went to the living room and opened the door. "Oh Mr.Lee, come in." He quickly went in and I closed the door and locked it. "Is something wrong?" "Yes something bad is happening." "What is it?" He sat down and I leaned against the kitchen counter. "Well at the trial with your ex-wife and her lawyer, she was fine with giving you custody of the kids and she could only come over when you agree to it." "Okay, I don't get it, what's the problem?" He sighed and stood up. "She's filing for custody of your daughter and son." I started getting confused. "Wait but the court was like 7 months ago. Why is she filing for custody?" "Apparently you haven't let her come see the kids."

I chuckled and started pacing back and forth. "No because the times she asked me, I was at work and I explained to her, she knows that!" "Well she has evidence apparently, so we need to show your side on the story." I sighed and walked to the door with Mr.Lee. "Okay, thanks for letting me know." I opened the door for him and let him out and luckily Jungkook just arrived so he came in. "Hey Jungkook, how are you?" "Good, how about you?" "A little tired but I'll be fine. There's some food in the fridge, if you can just pick Chaeyoung up from Pre-K." He nodded and smiled. "Okay, I'll pick her up." "Okay!" I waved bye as I left quickly and sat in my car and took a deep breathe and drove to work.

Jungkook's POV

I went into Junwoo's room and he was sitting on the floor playing with some toys, then he looked at me and smiled. "Koo!" He got up and walked to me and I picked him. "Hey Junwoo! Wanna go to the park?" He nodded and I took him to my car, not forgetting his car seat and placing in the car. I got him in his seat and but the seatbelt on him then got into the driver side and drove to the park. I parked the car and got Junwoo out of his car seat and I picked him up and took him to the smaller playground for toddlers. He started pointing at the swings so I put him in the swing and was softly pushing him, he was giggling and clapping. I smiled softly and continued pushing him when I noticed a lady was staring at us, but I ignored it.

I took him out of the swing after 15 minutes and he was playing in the sand box. I smiled as I sat down at the bench in front of him, then I noticed the lady walk up. "Oh yes?" "Excuse me why are you with my son?" "Oh you're Mr.Kim's ex-wife?" "Yeah and what are you doing here with him?" "Uhh, did you forget I'm the babysitter?" "You know I can tell you're lying right?" This bitch is joking right? I laughed a little. "No I'm the babysitter, have been for the past year and a half now." "Give me my son. Who said you can take him to the park?!" I gave her the "are you serious look" and picked Junwoo up. "Listen lady, I don't mean to be rude but I was the one that opened the door when you first came by, so I'm the babysitter and as my friend who has always say to people that are rude, bye bi-" I covered Junwoo's ears. "Bye bitch!" I waved bye and took him back to the car and put him in his car seat and drove to the pre-k that Chaeyoung was at.

I went into the school and went to the teacher. "Hi I came to pick Kim Chaeyoung up." "Oh you're the babysitter correct?" I nodded and she smiled a bit. "Chaeyoung they're here for you!" "Kookie!" She ran to me and hugged me. "Hey Chaeyoung! Come on let's get you home." I made sure Junwoo's seatbelt was on and also made sure Chaeyoung had hers on as well. I drove them back home and Namjoon was already there. I let the kids go inside first and realized he was stressed, like super stressed. "Hey is everything okay?" He looked up and was holding some papers. "Yeah...yeah everything's fine." I gave him a suspicious look but decided to not say anything about it. "Okay." "I'll be in my office, can you just watch them for awhile? Even though I'm still here?" "Oh sure! I have nothing else to do." He nodded and left. That was really odd.

~A couple of hours later~

I had already cleaned the kitchen and had made sure the kids were asleep, so I past by Namjoon's office and there was a strong smell of whiskey? Maybe tequila or something so I knocked on the door and I went in. His head was on the desk and he had a bottle of whiskey, it was already half way done. "Namjoon?" He flinched a bit and sat up. "Jungkook, how long have you been here?" "Uhh did you forget you asked me to stay longer?" He put his empty cup down on the table. "Right, sorry..." He was about to pour another cup but I grabbed the bottle from him. "I know it's rude to get into your personal life but drinking won't help. And you're getting drunk." He sighed. "Yeah, sorry." "You don't need to keep apologizing." I sat next to him and kept the bottle away from him.

We had sat there in silence for awhile when I decided to break it. "If it's about your ex-wife then I understand, divorce isn't something kids should go through. My parents went through that and it wasn't very nice." "Yeah, I try not to get them involved but she keeps involving them." "Sometimes it's best just to maybe get a restraining order? It can help with how much she bothers you." "Yeah you're right, thanks Jungkook." "No problem." I stood up and was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist.

No one's POV

Namjoon pulled Jungkook close and had kissed him. Jungkook was really shocked but after a bit he started to kiss back. He was basically sitting on his lap and they were still kissing but Jungkook placed his hands on Namjoon's shoulders and stopped him. "No you're drunk and we shouldn't do this." He tried getting up but Namjoon had his arms around his waist and held him there. "Nooo, not drunk at all." He had started to kiss him again and Jungkook kissed back one more time but stopped him again. "No, we really shouldn't, I think you need rest." He finally got up and helped him get into bed before leaving quickly.

He went inside his apartment and saw all the lights were off so he assumed Jimin was asleep. But when he started walking, he saw the light go on. "Shit Jimin don't scare me like that!" "So where were you?" "Babysitting." "For that long?" He nodded and he sat at the table with Jimin. "Spill the details." "What? How did you-" "Listen I find about things about you by the way you act, so spill." He sighed and started explaining what had happened between him and Namjoon. "Wait so he kissed you?" "No I fucked him, I literally just said I kissed him." He crossed his arms. "Damn okay calm down with attitude! It's obvious he likes you Jungkook. And it's obvious you like him back!" "What? No I don't like him!" Jimin chuckled. "You talk about him all the time, 'oh he's handsome, and he has an awesome job and his kids are amazing!' You might as well be their step dad or something!" "Okay....maybe I do like him!" "Fucking knew it!" He sighed. "I'm going to bed, night!" He quickly ran to his room and changed and fell into bed. He would probably want to either avoid Namjoon or talk to him, mostly likely try to avoid him.

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