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*P.O.V Kaya*

"Are you sure you're ok with me living at Braxton's house for two months?" I asked while setting down a plate on the table.

I smiled at the people I was serving before turning back to my mom.

She looked at me with a small smile. She was currently preparing the next order of the night, taking a ticket off of the kitchen wall and reading it before handing it to another cook to talk to me.

The live band playing in the background, waves crashing on the shore, and people talking heartily in the background made the restaurant have airport vibes. After a long day of work, it just felt so distant from reality.

"You're 18 Kaya, an adult. You decide. Are you comfortable with it?" She paused and looked at me, her face closely identical to mine. "Plus it's Braxton's house. When you were younger you used to spend the night there all the time."

I rolled my eyes and took off my apron, revealing my life guard shirt and shorts. My shift helping my mom was finally done and I could feel my body begging for relief.

"Well life's not like that anymore." I stated with a sigh, grinding my teeth together as some sort of stress entered my body.

My mom placed her hands on her hip and raised her eyebrow.

"Life's only like that because you two choose to make it like that" she muttered.

Her words sat with me, deep down in my gut I knew it was true. Like our anger from lack of our parents was taken out in each other.

"Mom he's a problem at the beach, everyday he surfs there. Mom he surfs where dad was killed almost like he's flaunting it." I said in frustration trying to make a point.

"His mom died there too Kaya, and he won't admit it, but we both know he still cares about his mom dearly." She reminded me.

I rolled my eyes slightly, she wasn't seeing my point. He was flaunting where they died and encouraging other people to surf there as well.

He wasn't just a soul problem, he was creating more problems. That's why I hated him. Not because he was an outsource for my frustration of not having a dad.

"Alright mom." I said ending the conversation not bothering to prove my point,  "I'm going to head home, shower then start packing. I'll see you in alittle bit."

I gave her a side hug and stepped out of the restaurant. The walk home wasn't long, a few blocks and acrossed a couple streets but it gave me time to destress.

I liked to describe Suston like West Egg and East Egg from the Great Gatsby. But instead of old money and new money, Suston had the rich and the 'doing alright for themselves'.

The rich lived on the shore line, like Braxton. Thats why his house made it easier to commute. He was closer to the beach and the public pool. Where my house sat in the center of town away from the beach but not far.

Don't get me wrong it was close enough to the beach that I could walk down with my board. I just didn't have an ocean side view.

Arriving at my house I opened the front door. Taking off my guard shirt and shorts I threw them in the laundry basket.

I walked around in just my guard suit, I hadn't had time to take it off in-between my guard shift and the restaurant.

Walking past the dining table I made my way upstairs. Entering my small bedroom I grabbed my suitcase with a sigh.

Two months, two whole God damn months. Some part of me wondered why I didn't just deny his offer to stay at the house, but I also understood that there was no need to stress Braxton out more.

I opened my closet and started to grab clothes. I didn't have a lot since most of my time was spent at the beach in a suit.

Life guard apparel, 6 pairs of jean shorts, pajamas (shorts and tops), and shirts.

I came up short trying to figure out what else to pack, I had three days to get ready but if I did it last minute I would panic myself.

Giving up on clothes I turned to my surf stuff. Suits, board shorts, rash gaurds, wax, leash, and my board.

Wade had plenty of boards at his house, but would he let me borrow one? No.

Everything I thought I'd need at the moment was shoved into my suit case, which I promptly threw on the floor. And for the first time sense 5:15 this morning I took off my guard suit.

It left lines engraved in my skin, I tossed the suit on my bed ready to wear it again tomorrow. Its bright red clashing with the blue bed sheet. Picking up pajamas I walked bare naked to the bathroom turning on the shower I stepped in.

The salt running off of my body, I sighed. The tension on my shoulders was bad. I felt awful for Braxton, but working with Wade was almost next to impossible.

Turning off the shower I threw on my pajamas and walked downstairs, throwing myself into the couch. I always waited for my mom to get home, if it meant watching t.v to pass the time then I would.

While some random show I'd never heard of was playing in the t.v, my eye sight drifted down to the photos on the mantle.

One of me and Wade's family together sitting on the main tower balcony. It was taken the day Braxton had gotten the job as the beach director. He changed the entire community around for the better.

I remember May, his wife, was thrilled. I looked closely at Wade in the photo.

He was young, just like me, when the photo was taken. His smile from ear to ear in that Picture, and it made me frown.

He never smiled like that anymore, never did it create dimples on both cheeks like it did when he was younger.

Granted I don't think I smiled like that anymore either. So bright and so innocently happy.

Words: 1048

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