When the Thunder Rolls

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*Kaya's P.O.V*

The ran hit the windows of the main tower hard as I brought my knees up to my chest and shivered.

It was cold in the tower and I had only left with a sweatshirt and shorts, which got soaked on the way over here.

With a huff I leaned back in the chair my eyes heavy as the pounding off the rain started to calm me.

But I had to keep them open and keep my eyes on the water. It was hard to stay awake when I did this on a normal storm night, but now, I was so exhausted with Braxton being gone I wasn't sure I could stay awake.

I jumped as the door opened behind me, turning around quickly ready to hit whoever was entering the lifeguard tower, until I saw Wade walk in.

Hair sopping wet just like his clothes, double fisting two mugs. He set both down on the counter before ripping off his soaking wet sweatshirt in a quick motion with one hand.

Taking off the sweatshirt didn't do him much good as his shirt underneath was soaking wet as well.

"You got a towel?" He asked slightly out of breath, like he'd run to get here.

I pointed to the cupboard and Wade turned around to grab a towel. I watched as he turned, his back muscles showing through his wet shirt.

"That mug is for you." He said rubbing the towel through his hair.

I raised my eye brow and took a drink from the mug, not going to lie I was expecting alcohol and not tea. Wade sat down in the chair next to me and sighed taking a sip from his mug.

"Why are you out here?" I asked him, curious.

Expecting a snarky response, but not getting one Wade sighed and ran his hand through his damp hair before looking at me in the eyes.

He quickly averted his gaze to the floor then to the ocean.

"To keep you company. Why else would I be out here?" He said leaning back in his chair.

I looked at him, trying to hide my smile before shivering slightly. Something about Wade caring just- ya know?

But I also knew he felt bad about earlier today, and this was his way of making up for it. Though me and Wade aren't close anymore it doesn't mean I don't understand the guy.

"You cold?" Wade asked breaking the silence, he was doing most of the talking tonight which was alittle unusual.

I just shook my head while taking another drink of the tea. "Alittle."

Almost immediately Wade sprung from his chair and walked back to the cupboard, grabbing a towel from it he wrapped it around my shoulders before sitting down in his chair in silence.

"Thanks." Was all I mumbled.

Wade nodded his head and continued to look at the ocean. He shifted in his chair a bit, but kept his eye on the water.

"I never got it." He finally said, "why during a storm? The waves are always really choppy, why not wait till the next day or later?"

Was he really taking about our parents? I had to do a double take before I responded.

Wade never, and I mean never talked about that night.

I raised my shoulders, and shook my head, "not sure, I remember them being high swells. Maybe that was all that matter? I mean Michigan surfers surf in choppy waves all the time." I replied.

"Yeah but-" Wade said quickly turning towards me, placing his hand on the back of my chair.

His hand brushing my back surprised me a bit as I tried not to react, but my change in posture was noticed by Wade and he shut his mouth before letting out a small smirk. Followed by a cocky raised eyebrow I had to fight every urge within me not to act on how hot he looked right now.

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