We're all going to be alright

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*Kaya's P.O.V*

I walked through the door with all the guards and Wade behind me. I knocked on the door as I entered the room with a soft smile.

It had been a good-chaotic morning. After me and Wades heart to heart, Wade informed me that Cole was available to take some visitors today.

So naturally I rounded up the guard that helped save Coles life and we drove to the hospital.

It was nice being able to see the people we had saved, and it made it super convenient that Wade gave all of us lifeguards who had made the rescue the day off.

Though a majority of us were using it as a rest day to actually rest. I know a few who had plans to go out of town to a Rollercoaster park.

"Hey Cole." Wade said with a small smile on his face as we entered the room.

Cole smiled back looking at Wade, his fave was still puffy and his skin was slightly pale. It was weird how much he looked like Cole but also didn't.

"How are you doing Buddy?" I asked cautiously, not sure what his current condition was.

I wasn't even sure if he would be able to walk again. I was more thankful he was alive and breathing.

Cole nodded his head to the best of his ability.

"I'll be alright, granted I don't feel to great right now but I'm going to be ok and thats all that matters."

I nodded my head back sitting down in a chair, not pressing Cole about his current condition. Wade came stood behind me while the rest of the guards circled around Coles bed.

"Plus I learned my lessons about the no-go zone... never doing that again." Cole said with laughter behind his voice.

Wade laughed with him shaking his head back and forth.

"I tried to warn you grom."

"You did." 

I looked around as the room got silent, hospitals have never been appealing to me. They were dull, and filled with no color. A complete 180 from the life I lived.

From the beach, the restaurant, lifeguarding, and surfing I'm constantly surrounded by happiness color and 'good vibes' but in here it was almost sad and lifeless.

It made me think back to how Wade felt after he mom died. He told me he couldn't feel anything.

Is this what is was like all those years?

As if you took a hospital and made it a feeling. Feeling bland, dull, and as if life had no colors.

I found my way through my grief with life guarding, but Wade only got his feelings back when he surfed or had sex.

It made me understand, to an extent, why he surfed in the no-go zone. Why he ran towards any type of thrill he could.

Becuase this trapped dull feeling is hard to live in. Almost impossible to breath in.

As I thought about this, time must have been longer than I'd noticed because the nurse knocked on the room door and kindley told us our time was up.

Standing up from my chair, like everyone else I bid Cole goodbye and told him I hoped he was out of the hospital soon.

Exiting the hospital with the guards in a light conversation.

"I think I'm going to the amusement park with Alex." Brandon said adding to the conversation of what everyone was going to do with their day off.

"I'm sleeping, God am I exhausted." Hannah said with a laugh before getting in her car with a wave, "bye guys!" 

"Bye" every one said in unison before getting in their respective cars.

Hopping in the passenger side of Wades car I looked at him as he looked at me with a smile.

"What are you doing today Ms. Head guard?"

I laughed slightly.

"I don't know, got any ideas in mind?" I joked back

Wade sighed and gripped the steering wheel as he turned out of the parkinglot of the hospital.

"Well I do have a few more things on that checklist before my dad gets back."

I'm not sure why but my face fell, and Wade noticed because a smirk came to his mouth. He glanced at me before looking back at the road.

"But they can what till I'm back on shift tomorrow, so that being said... I do have a few things in mind."

I smiled and looked forward towards the road, crossing my arms over my chest and closing my eyes.

"Where to first?"

Words: 762

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