s1 e11

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"Alyssa, why did you take me to the park?" i scanned my surroundings before looking back at her.

"you looked like you needed some air," she explained. "isn't the park nicer at night?"

"very," i looked over out the passenger side window up in the sky, the moon was shining so bright but it was beautiful. the stars looked at though they were flying through the sky. "isn't this awkward?"

"only if you make it awkward," gosh, she sounds like Ava.

i chuckled as i shook my head, "you sound like Ava."

"what exactly do you mean, Alex ?"

"it's silly man," i shook my head as i leaned the seat back. "its nothing really, just her saying how hot you are, as like half of the campus isn't saying that."

she sat there, letting the quietness fill up the car. she glanced over at me as she questioned, "Alex, mind if i ask you something?"

i sighed to myself as i took it all in, "ask away, Alyssa."

"how'd you get that scar ?"

was this really her business? i hadn't opened that book in a long time, i was too afraid to. i didn't want to go back down that road and relive the past.

plus, why did she want to know so badly? what was it? why did she want to know and understand me so badly?

"why?" i kept my glares forward as i could feel hers all over me. she was burning holes into my face and it was killing me.

"i just want to know Alex.. i don't know," she paused as she took a breath. "i don't know why i want to know, im just curious."

"about me ?" i eyed her. "im not interesting"

she sighed, "tell me, Alex"

"i told you, i got it from a car crash, Alyssa," i spoke softly, my voice was soft but never this soft. my whole body tenses up just talking about the scar because if only she knew i had more.

"Alex," fuck, stop saying my name.


"are you okay?"

"im fine Alyssa," gosh, am i really?

instead of saying anything, i felt her hand glide over the scar that resided on my collarbone. her touch felt heavenly but fuck was she making me tense.

"you look like your father," she spoke softly, in much of a whisper. "all in the eyebrows."

yeah, i got that a lot. Ava would mainly remind me, shit everywhere i went, "oh my gosh, you look like your father," duh.

"i get that a lot," i chuckle trying to loosen up the tension that grew in my bones. "why do you want to know me so badly, Miss. Adams?"

"because you're so .. mean, ever since i met you, you've been so mean. even to me and i don't know why, i hadn't done nothing to you," she explained.

"i explained my reasons, Alyssa."

"yes but-"

"there's no buts about that, Alyssa," i eyed her carefully. "my dad means the world to me and when women come in his life, they somewhat fall into mine and here i am sometimes picking up the pieces they broke. i understand you didn't hurt him and you two are friends but that will never change my attitude towards it."

"you're so guarded," she whispers.

"because my life isn't anyone's business anymore," i turned my head back and looked up at the sky. "i think i should get going now though, i don't want Ava to wake up and go crazy that im missing."

she gave me a nod as she turned over the engine and bagan driving.

i quickly placed my hand onto my collarbone where my scar resided, rubbing my hands over it. i had to relive every ounce of that car crash and it honestly sucked, that was the day i lost my mom and man it was painful. going to her grave was harder every time but i did it all, for her.

my dad hadn't been the same since mom died and i was honestly sad for him, i know he was happy somewhat but i could tell he was hurting. it hurts me to knowing that he was hurting and to know i couldn't do anything about it was killing me.

i know just being there was all he probably needed but soon, soon ill see that man thrive and achieve true happiness.

"did i stress you out?" i asked suddenly.

"when i lived with you and your father?"

"yes," i nod

"yes only because he actually did stay up some nights and worried about you, he probably never told you that but he did," she glanced at me. "you were being an ass to me that night which i understand you're grown but he was honestly just worried."

shit, now i felt bad.

i let out a soft sigh, "thank you for telling me."

"you don't need to thank me," she shook her head. "just go on and get some rest."

i gave her a nod as i pulled myself out of the car and quickly but carefully made my way up onto the porch. i sighed to myself as i went on into the house, i was honestly praying that Ava was up.

"where were you?" i heard faintly, Ava.

"i went to the park with Alyssa, we talked, nothing too much nothing too crazy."

"oh my god, did y'all kiss ?"

"Ava, get that out of your head dude. that's honestly not gonna happen," shit well it did but not anymore. "why would i kiss my teacher ?"

"dude, you're missing out," she groaned but immediately bagan rubbing her temple. "my head is killing me."

"yeah," i chuckle. "you were an ass tonight, i had to practically drag you out of the club."

"wow, that's embarrassing," she says lowly. "but who cares, im gonna do it again."

"you're a fucking kid man i swear," i shook my head as i let out a small laugh. "here, take these," i handed her a few pain reliever and a new water bottle. "im going to bed so please don't be loud."

"can't count on that," she shouted.

Ava, bitch i will throw you out of a window.

"please," i begged.

"fine you damn baby."

"girl you can sleep in the guest bedroom, its several."

"which house ?"

"you know what, go to bed !"

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