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My feet thudded against the floorboards as I rose my hands behind my head, resting them on my neck. A small frown crept onto my face, distinguishly disappearing once the door swung open. I moved my head to see who it was and stared delinquently at the shrouded figure.

"Dear," My mom started. "Me and your dad are off on yet, another business trip for a couple months in London. Help yourself with anything around the house, and please remember..only open the door for friends you've invited over. Randy's gonna have a little delay since he's working late. So he'll be here soon for your little movie night." she explained. I gave a half smile in response.

"Mom, I'll be fine. I love you." I replied. She mumbled a small 'me too' and peeked over at me one more time, before blowing a small air kiss and shutting the door. The door gently squeaked with a crack of it open. I stared at my box-like computer, running my fingertips over the top of the frame, stopping in the near middle.

I stood up, walking over to the door and opening it entirely. The fabric of my white flower gown brushed against the doorknob, tugging on the lock. I skimmed down the stairs and rushed over to the kitchen, flopping my body towards the counter. My eyebrows furrowed as I grabbed onto the nearby cabinet and pulled out a pack of popcorn, the aluminum paper shined bright making itself noticed. I put a stern but tight grasp on a pan in the sink, leading it to the stove where I plopped it down as well as the popcorn.

"Randy sure does take lots of late night shifts.." I wondered out loud. I bit my lip and shook off the chills I was getting. They were shooting down my spine, like someone or something was watching me, murdering me slowly with their sharp eyes. The thought sent another chill down. My head turned around, consciously taking a look outside the open window while the cold air sent a breeze in.

I shook my head and ignored the tingles I got. I switched the stove on at the approximate setting. I clicked my tongue a couple of times and shook the pan slightly. After a couple seconds I heard at least one kernal pop, I went over to the opposite side of the kitchen and quickly opened the more sturdy cabinet, revealing lints of alcohol scattered around. I took one bottle at a time, slowly moving them next to where the mobile phone was. My eyes averted to it constantly, as if it was gonna ring.

I shook the pan one more time before wandering off into the living room. Before I could do anything, I heard the phone ring in the kitchen which made me spike up.

I made it to the kitchen and picked up the phone, pressing my ear against it.


"(Y/N)! Its Randy. Just wanted to call and let you know that I'm gonna be running late..because of work." I smiled at the settling tone of Randy's voice.

"Yeah, my mom already told me. Don't be too late-- Lots of weird stuff has been happening around here.." I said, my stomach churning at the thought of Casey Becker's body, along with her boyfriend Steven Orth. The murder had occurred a week ago and we've been on a strict town schedule.

"Sure, sure. I will be there soon enough, try not to get murdered and, I'll borrow some horror movies so we can watch them." Randy's laugh echoed through the receiver.

"Okay, bye Randy!" I exclaimed. He mumbled a small 'goodbye' before ending the call. I walked back to the living room and turned on the TV. Immediately, Gale Weathers started to play.

"This is Gale Weathers, interviewing live from the incident that had happened. The friendly little phone call that evolved into a murder spree takes a striking turn. After Casey Becker was found hung from a tree, while her boyfriend had his intestines severely cut, no traces were left behind.. Not a single footprint. The death would sound similar to one that had happened a year ago-- Maureen Prescott's murder-"

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