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I gripped onto my backpack straps tightly. Being swarmed with reporters sucked, forced to answer questions after the incident was no fun. I sighed deeply as I made it to school, the tall grass tickling my bare legs.

The doors were opened entirely, I took a couple deep breaths and walked in, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. Everything backfired once I began to receive a couple of stares, the isle my locker was at was pretty crowded so I pushed my way through.

I swung my locker door open and grabbed some books, I felt a sudden voice echo through the back of my head which almost gave me a heart attack.

"Heyy (Y/N)! Heard bout' what happened, total bummer! That guy sure is something." I jumped and turned around to be face to face with one of my friends, Stu. I calmed myself down and forced a long stare.

Stu Macher was my first friend, and an extremely funny guy. His lanky figure hung around as always. He was tall and had brown hair, that turned blond whenever the sun shined immensely on him. His gray sweater was loose, but fit perfectly. Of course, I couldn't forget the same black pants he always wore and frail necklace that trailed down to his collarbone. He was dating Tatum, which made sense by the match of both of their personalities.

"Hey Stu..sorry for the outburst." I apologized, his eyes sparkled along with the lights above us.

"No biggie darling! Don't apologize." Stu sang. Small, awkward giggles came out of my mouth as the speaker shut on, calling a students name to the office.

"Why are they calling students names?" I asked. Stu crossed his arms.

"Well, they suspect that the person who murdered Casey and attacked you is from the school, so they're asking weird-ass questions to each student here." Stu shrugged his shoulders.

"Ah, I understand." I nodded. He grinned and began to ramble about something that I couldn't keep focus on. I tucked a strand of hair back into its place. My eyes blinked over to some cheerleaders gossiping about how hot their jock boyfriends were. I chewed on my lip in distress.

"So, what do ya' say? Wanna skip class and go hang with the gang or no?" Stu asked.

"Hm?" I mumbled. "Oh..I don't think so. I'm pretty sure Sidney and Tatum wouldn't skip class if you told them too. Not so sure about Billy and Randy though." I grumbled slightly.

"Aw come on! Pleaseee?" Stu begged.

"No Stu." I stated. "You can skip if you'd like, but I'm going to class." Stu shook his head and began to pout.

"Argh okay." Stu said. "See ya at lunch then." He shot me one last smile before walking off.

I made it to class and sat in my seat, stares came from students all around me. I ignored them and attempted to pay attention to what ever the teacher went on about.

I was sitting on the fountain ledge. Randy ran into me and apologized profusely for everything, I told him it was alright and to just shrug it off. I leaned against his shoulder, brushing my head onto his shirt. I felt like snoozing right there.

Randy Meeks is a amazing friend. He was adorable and fun, besides, he was a giant horror-geek. Randy was always livid about horror movies. He works at the blockbuster store around the corner and always brings the latest horror movies for us to watch. He was cute and really nice, and Sidney always said he liked me. Randy wore a green, dark blue, and white striped buttoned up shirt. His pants were a brown-ish color that surprisingly went well with his shirt.

"Soo, who do you guys think is the killer?" Tatum asked. I spiked my head up.

Tatum Riley was one of my best friends. She had a perfect smile and gorgeous blonde, almost gold-like, hair. She looked beautiful as always and could fit every trend if she wanted too. Sometimes, I tended to blush around her, but nothing 'Romantic' was described on why I did so. Plus, she was dating Stu, and they were the perfect couple. Tatum wore a yellow shirt, and a plaid skirt that held nicely around her waist. I gave a small smile.

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