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"Fuck.." I whispered. More knocking shuttered. I could hear the wood of the door carving outside. It sounded scratchy, making me wince at the sound. The knife suddenly stabbed through the door, cutting a straight line down. I hurried over to a closet coordinator and pushed it with all of my might against the door. I bit my lip and turned around to find out what my next move would be.

I had to get out of the house, but there wasn't anything that could help me with that. I walked over to a small window, it could probably allow me through. But the landing would be rough. I calculated the steps in my head and gulped down a burrow of fear. I could hear the wood being scratched outside. I lifted the seal of the window carefully, the noises the killer made stopped. I let myself through the small hole and leaned off the ledge.

I dangled my right leg in the air. I looked around, attempting to find a place to land on. The height management freaked me out. I finally spotted the car, it had a thick tarp over the hood, so my landing wouldn't be so bad. I brought my head up to stare at the door one last time.

A large amount of air was parted from my lips. I gripped both hands onto the ledge, pressing my feet onto the brick wall, chipping the beige paint off of the surface. I slowly loosened my grip, pushing myself away from the window.

I fell helplessly, air bellowed as my back landed on the car. I twitched my hand slightly. My fall went quick, and all I got as an injury was a sore neck and an immediate shock sent through my spine. I took a moment to capture my breath, my heart still hammered in the palm of my chest. The moonlight shined in my eyes, almost like it was luring me into a trance. I felt the need to take a second, but there wasn't any time for that.

I shot up, tumbling off of the hood of the car. My legs were stable, but wobbly as I lifted myself up. I stopped to take a glance at the garage, feeling my blood run cold once I saw the horrific sight that only stood a couple feet away from me.

There, actually, up there, lied Tatum's lifeless body. It was stuffed into a doggy door. Her neck was snapped with fresh blood slathered across the metal railing of the garage door. I sniffed back tears, still sensing the shocked face I wore. The only choice I had was to run. I couldn't go back to a couple hours from now to fix everything, even if I tried.

I didn't waste any time and took off into the distance. I spotted Dewey's cop car parked in the front, but I knew he wasn't in there by the looks of it. Everyone was gone, the house was completely empty, well maybe Randy was still in there. My first option was to run to the front door, and so I did. My throat and voice were dry and parched, that obviously meant that I couldn't yell loudly for help.

"Hello?" I tried calling out in a low voice once I made it to the front. The door was wide open, my foot hit something hard as I looked down. I mumbled a few curse words, as if I couldn't see anything else as similar to this.

The killer seemed to have a thing for attacking the people I was closest to. Otherwise, Dewey wouldn't have been lying on floor right beneath my feet. At this point, my reactions would have been the same as usual, shocked and terrified. I shook his body with the tip of my foot, it looked like he was out cold instead of dead. I sighed in relief and kneeled down to take the gun planted on his waistband, just for defense. I stepped over his body and entered the house, feeling unsure about the situation I was stuck in.

"(Y/N)! Thank goodness your here! Stu's out of his mind!"

"Don't believe him. Cmon' it's me!"

"Look (Y/N)! I found Tatum..dead..in the garage. I think it's Stu!"

I turned around quickly. Staring at the two figures that stood there. Randy and Stu were clutched between the grass, they both had different facial expressions.

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