Ankle Injury

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You were fighting this monster called Trippy. You were battling him when you stepped in a whole on the ground. You ended up twisting your ankle. You then fell to the ground holding your ankle. It hurt so bad, you were crying.

“Ha-Ha, looks like you got a boo-boo. Here, let me help you!” Trippy yelled.

He was about to blast you when he got blasted instead. You turned your head and saw the others standing there ready to fight. You smiled because they were here. 

“Leave her alone!” yelled Troy.

Troy then blasted the monster again to never be seen again. Everyone ran over to you. Troy went on the ground next to you and pulled you on his lap. 

“Let's get her home and ice it so it doesn't get worse.” Emma said.

“Yea lets go.” Jake said.

Everyone started to walk home. Troy carried you home with you on his chest and your legs wrapped around his torso. 

*Time Skip*

You were laying on the couch with your ankle propped up with an ice pack on it. You were watching tv when everyone came in. You turned your head and smiled at them. Troy came over to you and sat next to you. He lifted up your ankle carefully and sat where your feet were. He then set your feet down on his lap and rubbed your legs. 

“How you feeling Y/N?” asked Gia.

“Good, my ankle just hurts alot.”

“Don't worry, in no time, you'll be back in action.” Emma said.

You smiled. Everyone then left and went to do their own thing. You and Troy were cuddling on the couch just watching tv.

*Time Skip*

After a while, your ankle has gotten so much better. You can get back to doing the things you love and not having to sit out and watch.

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