Water Fight

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You, Emma, and Gia were all outside enjoying the nice warm sun and tanning. Then next thing you know that's happening is you getting wet. You shot up and saw the boys with a bucket of water. They were laughing. You got up and walked over to them. They gave you a confused face. You took the bucket out of their hands and splashed them with the leftover water. They screamed like little girls, it was really funny. Orion, Jake, and Noah all ran away. Troy just stayed there. You gave him a smile. He then pulled you in by the hips. His shirt was so wet that you could see his 6 pack. You were daydreaming when Troy said…

“How dare you get me wet. That wasn't very nice princess.” he said with a smirk.

You laughed. Then out of nowhere, you and Troy got splashed again. Everyone was laughing and having the time of their lives. You got the hose and sprayed everyone with it. They all screamed and laughed at the same time. You went up to Troy and gave him a big hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist.

“I love you Y/N Burrows.”

You smiled because he said his last name instead of yours.

“I love you too Troy. With all my heart.”

He leaned down and gave you a kiss on the lips. You cupped his face in your hands. The kiss was so sweet and long. You pulled away and put your head on his chest. You watched as everyone was having the time of their lives. But you were happy that you had the love of your life in your arms.

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