Chapter 28: Pleasure

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Time with the Dowager Queen had come to an end. The carriage returning her to The More had arrived to whisk her away. Before she left, she had a nice conversation with her son-in-law. They had sat in his study with the door closed. He let her know "I am still a supporter of yours. What has been done to you is reprehensible. What was done to Mary is the same."

Proud eyes dug into his. "Thank you, Charles. You always were a good friend to me and even more to Henry. But don't let anyone hear you say that out loud. It will not serve you well and could put you in a precarious position." She patted the space beside her on the sofa, indicating she would like him to come to sit. Once he had, though with respect and a little bit of reservation, she asked "As a mother, I have been wondering what are your feelings towards my daughter? My own eyes can deduce it of course, but I would like to hear from you."

Sitting there a little stupefied and nervous, Charles felt his palms begin to sweat. Deep inside he wants his mother-in-law's approval. "What I feel for Mary is more than I thought possible for any woman. She changes everything she touches for the better. I know because I am changed. She is everything I wanted combining with things I never knew I needed. She is beautiful, witty, intelligent, kind, and in a world full of make-believe she is everything that is real."

With tears in her eyes, Katherine leaned forward and placed a motherly kiss on his forehead. "When she was a babe I knew she was different. She hardly ever cried. When Mary was a little girl she had such life and energy. She left sunshine wherever she went. When she grew into a young woman she changed. Court life transformed her into a quieter less trusting girl. It started to break her spirits." She sniffled.

Taking her handkerchief, she dabbed at her eyes. "When the mess between Henry and I arose, and Mary was shipped off to Ludlow, I had huge doubts. Sending her away at a young, and especially at pivotal moments in a young lady's life, could damage her. I could see the writing on the wall for my time as Queen. I prayed Henry wouldn't damage our daughter any further. So as the years passed, and Mary had not been married off, I did not know what to think. Why was he waiting? There are perfectly good princes out there. But I knew he was using her as a pawn and I was incensed."

Charles knew this, he just never knew this side of things. He sat all ears listening to his mother-in-law speak. All the while trying to control his anger that kept rising. He wants to jump on his horse, ride to the palace, and pop His Majesty in the mouth. 

Continuing her tale, Katherine twisted the handkerchief in her hands. "When Mary turned eighteen, I knew he wouldn't wed her to a prince. He had waited too long for that. So I prayed as fervently as I could for a good and just man, someone who might come to love her more than even I do. Someone who wouldn't break her, but build her up and support her. When I was told it was you, I was shocked."

She paused and patted his arm before she carried on. "You have to realize that I had known you previously. I knew you had an appetite for women, outside of the marriage bed even. And then there was the fact you were wed to the King's sister. But then Eustace brought word to me about the— how did he put it— the adoration of two deer in heat." They both laughed. 

Her face seems much younger with laughter. Like the old Queen of Hearts, she was known as during happier times in England. "I kept hearing how you had changed and how my daughter appears cheerful and content. I knew the right choice had been made. Now I've seen it with my own eyes and heard it from your lips. Plus the evidence of your love is those two precious little boys. You love her and I know she loves you. You may not have been my first choice for her husband, but you are by far the best choice. I am well pleased." 

Rising he bowed to her, humbled by her words. He felt her place a kiss on the top of his head in blessing. He rose with tears. With a shaky voice, he told her nothing but the truth. "Mary overcame everything that was meant to break her. No one can surpass her in my heart. I love her more than she will ever know."

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