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Slightly edited


Ava walked up the stairs of the apartment complex she used to live at

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Ava walked up the stairs of the apartment complex she used to live at

She was going to grab the kids real quick

Knocking on the door, she put her phone in her back pocket

'Oh hey Avs! Here let me help you yea?' Grayson asked, making ava nod

She had Mateos carseat and Sofias carseat as he had their dipar bags

'There Sofias all good!' Grayson told Ava, walking around the back of her truck

'Thanks Grayson, um why are you acting like this. You know all sweet?' Ava asked her ex fiance, with a confused face

Grayson sighed and scratched the back of his head

'Avs, I think me and Kels should have half custody of one of the twins. You know you have like "full" custody of one and me and kels have "full" custody of the other on. Every other week, one of us gets them both.' Grayson told ava, making her look furious

'Are you fucking insane Grayson? You must be if you think I'm doing that!' Ava said, about to get into the driver seat

'Ava hold on! My mom and dad did that! It's how they worked out!' He told ava, making her hold back her anger

'That was them but we are we! I'm not fucking doing that Grayson!' Ava told him, getting into her truck and starting it


Opening the front door of Beth's house, she sighed she heard noises in the kitchen so she knew that Beth was in the kitchen

'Oh my lord Beth! You will not believe what I just heard come out of Graysons mouth!' She started, walking into the kitchen, not even noticing the man on the counter

Putting the twins carseats on the floor and smiling at them

'He told me that we should both have "full" custody of one of the twins, but every other week one of us gets them both. He then told me that it's what his mom and dad did. Like what the fuck. I told him fuck no!' Ava ranted, Beth, Annie and ruby all had a scared expression, making her look confused

'Damn, that seems like he's an Ass.' A husky voice said, making Ava turn around and scream

'¡Qué carajo! ¡quien diablos eres tú!' what the actual fuck! who the hell are you!

Ava loves to speak Spanish, expecelly when she's scared

'Just sit down, we all gotta talk.' With this she sat down staring at the twins who were fast asleep

'Now, yall think yall can just steal my money?' The man asked the girls

Ruby had tears down her face, Beth was holding onto Annie's hand and Annie was just down right scared

Ava was staring at the twins, regretting everything she's done

'We didn't know you owned the store!' Ruby told the man, making him throw his head back and laugh, making ava flinch

'Does it looks like I own a store?' The man asked making the girls shake their heads

'Let's just say, we have a deal.' He said, walking towards the girls

'Like counterfeit money. God I knew it was shady!' Ruby said, makinga a few tears roll down her eyes

'That's non of your business. But what is your business, is getting my money back and fast ' He said, staring at the four girls

'Please god please don't kill us. Please ot in front of my babies.' Ava started, tears rolling down her face, as she held onto both of their tiny hands

'I'm not going to kill anyone Mama, but I will start shit if I don't get my money. Yea?' This made ava nod

'We can get it all back!' Annie said, making the man smile huge

'Oh now that would be amazing.' The husky voice made Ava flinch

'Most of it.' She squeeked out

Everyone looked at Annie

'Excuse me?'the man said, looking at Annie annoyed

'How much annie?' Beth asked her, holding onto avas shoulder

'About 100...grand.' Annie said, this made ava grab Mateo out of his seat, he was the closet to the man

'I should shoot you myself!' Ruby exclaimed, Smacking Annie upside the head

'Nah, nah yall gonna get all my money. I don't care how, but you will. So I'll see yall soon yea?' He said, making the girls sit silently


You know, I hate Grayson sm, I mean yk I made him and I like hate him. What a bitch

Okay but how do yall like this one

Hand raise for the peeps who hate Grayson I'll start 🤚

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