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Medical attention

<Date> Started: March 23, 2022 

<Date> Finished: March 30, 2022- 11:11PM

It was the middle of the night, ava had just gotten out of the shower when her phone went off, indicating she had someone calling


'Hey mama.' A husky voice flowed through the phone making my breath hitch

'What do you want? We're going to get the money back!' I said, quietly, as to not wake the twins

'I need your help.' He said, making Me roll my eyes, I could feel the smirk

'I can't do that.' I said, looking down at my feet

'I wasn't asking Darlin.' He said, making me scoff

'Yea right whatever. I cannot do that because I don't know if you knew but I have babies.' I told him, looking at my children who were both sound asleep

'Bring them with.' He told me, making me laugh quietly

'Yea no.' I said, rolling my eyes, as he growled angrily

'Now Ava! I'm not asking again.' He said, this made me scared

'Ugh, okay let me get dressed and let me get my god damn children ready.' I told him, hanging up

After getting dressed into some leggings and a long sleeve hoodie, I made sure that both of the kids were swaddled correctly and put them in their car seats

Being as quite as possible I slipped out of the house

I saw him standing at my truck, like he owned it

'What could you possibly want, making me leave my bed?' I asked, attitude laced my voice

'You're a doctor, right?' He asked me, I noticed his voice my husker than usual, he had to have just rolled out of bed not long ago

'Yea, an OBGYN?' I said, rolling my eyes, my arms were starting to hurt

'Well come on then.' He told me, making me roll my eyes

'Jesus pushy much?' I asked him. I wasn't in the greatest moods; I mean I just wanted to go to bed

I got the kids in their spot in my truck, and of course he drove

'What am I to do?' I asked him, looking at the brown eyes making my driver's seat

'You'll see when we get their Sweetheart.'

I rolled my eyes, and looked out the window

The city lights looked beautiful on this clear night

'esto es una completa mierda.' This is utter bullshit

I muttered under my breath, my eyes wanting to close

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