A Not-So-Secret

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-"If you're telling me, then it's not much of a secret" I commented.

-"Perhaps we shouldn't," one told the other.

-"We decided we would," the other replied.

-"If we tell her she won't be surprised"

-"Will you be surprised?" one of them asked.

-"Not if you tell me, but now you've brought it up and you have to" I answered, still a bit confused on what they were talking about.

-"No, we won't"

-"In fact, we won't" the little giggles they gave off annoyed me very much.

-"I wonder if your mother knows that you two swim naked in the Havershims' pond" I told them, that I had leverage over them.

-"You wouldn't," one stuttered out.

-"Oh, but I would, there's your mother right now" I faced the direction of their mother before looking back at them.

-"Hamish is going to ask for your hand" one replied, rather quickly.

-"You've ruined the surprise!" Margaret, my older sister pulled me away.

-"Everyone went to so much effort to keep the secret," she explained as we walked.

-"Does everyone know?" I asked, a bit afraid for the answer.

-"It's why they've all come, this is your engagement party"

-"Hamish will ask you under the gazebo, and when you say yes-"

-"But I don't know if I want to marry Hamish" I told her, actually I really didn't want to marry him, I was sure of it.

-"Who then? You won't do better than a lord"

-"You'll soon be 20, Y/n, that pretty face won't last forever"

-"You don't want to end up like aunt Imogene" I turned over to our aunt who was sitting all alone at a secluded table.

-"And you don't want to be a burden on mother, do you?" I shook my head.

-"So, you'll marry Hamish, you will be as happy as I am with Lowell, and your life will be perfect" some perfect life that is, I scoffed to myself.

-"It's already decided" we stopped in front of Lady Ascot.

-"Y/n, dear" she said.

-"I'll leave you to it" with that, my sister left.

-"Shall we take a leisurely stroll through the garden, just you and me?"

-"Of course" I answered, not that I was given much of a choice on the matter.

-"Do you know what I've always dreaded?" she asked as we took a turn in the garden.

-"The decline of the aristocracy?" I offered.

-"Ugly grandchildren"

-"But you're lovely, you're bound to produce little...imbeciles!" she yelled the last part.

-"The gardeners have planted white roses when I specifically asked for red" the flowers looked fine to me.

-"You could always paint the roses red," I told her as she gave me a strange look.

-"What an odd thing to say"


Sorry the chapter is a bit late, got a bit distracted with a movie I was watching.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Alice In Wonderland (King of Hearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now