The Red King

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They tied my hands, and circled me as we walked to the castle. Probably didn't trust me, which made sense...I guess. 

We made it to the Red King's castle, I'll admit it was beautiful. At least the top was, I couldn't see all of it due to a huge wall that surrounded the whole area. It was enormous, although the surroundings couldn't be described the same way. It was like a deserted desert, dry and rocky mountains with dark clouds surrounding the top and skies.

I was dragged through a long hallway, the floors were a shiny porcelain white, with a ruby red rug going down the center. I almost felt bad stepping on it with my boots all dirtied from the mud and dirt I had stepped on earlier. Large windows with red curtains draped from the sides, were arranged symmetrically on the walls.

The card guards opened a pair of grand doors which I assumed led to a throne room. A single throne sat in the slightly elevated center, it was gold with red cushions and ruby's adorned the frame. I was pushed onto the floor as the card guards arranged themselves behind me.

-"What is the meaning of this!" a voice of a young man echoed through the room. I didn't dare lift myself, in fear of what could happen, instead I kept my gaze down to the floor.

-"We found Y/n, your majesty" single footsteps echoed around the room until I saw a pair of black boots in front of me.

-"So you're the girl who's to slay my mother's beloved pet" he held my chin up.

The King didn't seem as terrifying as I'd thought he'd be...or as old. He was young and very handsome, his hair was pitch black and his face almost pale. His eyes were blue, which contrasted the rest of his outfit which was made of white, black and red fabrics.

-"You're human, I'll admit it's a bit of a surprise" he chuckled.

-"Everything here is either a creature or mad, you seem pretty sane to me"

-"Leave us!" he yelled at everyone in the room, causing me to flinch.

-"Am I scaring you?" yes, but I wasn't gonna tell him that.

-"N-no" I answered.

-"Are you sure?" his face leaned closer to mine, my cheeks reddened.

-"N-no, your majesty" I told him and moved my head so he'd let go of my face.

-"No formalities, you're human" it seemed a bit unfair to classify humans as something grand, I was just a girl, no title, no nothing.

-"What should I call you then?" I asked.

-"By my name of course, Jack"

-"Am I to be a prisoner?" as much as I dreaded the answer I had to know.

-"Why would a lovely girl like you, want to be in a rotting dungeon?"

-"You are to be my guest, unless you prefer the dungeon, then by all means stay there" he took my hands, untying the ropes, and pulled me around various hallways.

-"Where are we going?" he didn't answer except pushed me into a room and closed the door.

-"He's a strange man isn't he? Seems more mad than me" I turned around and saw a tall man wearing a large top hat.

-"My names Tarrant Hightopp, although my friends call me the Mad Hatter"


I had fun writing this chapter, it makes me laugh just reading it.

I hope you enjoyed it!

I won't be able to update until sunday! Sorry!


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