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-"Do you like where you come from?" not the answer I was expecting, I thought.

-"I guess...there's not much to do when you're a 'lady', where I'm from" I answered, putting emphasis on lady.

-"Would you want to go back home? You don't seem too much in a hurry to do so..." that's right, I hadn't even thought about going home.

-"I-I don't know, if I go back home I have to marry Hamish and I-"

-"Who's Hamish?" he looked a bit angered by the mention of this name.

-"He's Lord Ascot and Lady Ascot's son, I'm to wed him when I go back"

-"Do you like him?"

-"He's an arrogant git that's self-absorbed telling me to keep quiet and keep things to myself" I was twisting and pulling the cloth napkin in my hand, as anger was getting the best of me.

-"So you don't like him?" I looked up and saw him half-smiling.

-"No, I don't, but that doesn't matter, if I don't marry him I'll end up like Aunt Imogene" he looked confused to the new person I had 'introduced'. As a response I gave him a look, saying 'don't ask'.

-"You could stay, if you wanted"

-"Really!" he nodded.

-"That is if you don't want to marry the arrogant git" I sighed as his once kind-of seriousness was replaced by his teasing expression.

-"You know I'm starting to think Hamish is more likeable than you" I stuck my tongue out at him as he laughed.


-The Next Day-


I woke up in a new room, the walls were white and the floor was white porcelain. I hadn't recalled going anywhere, I had gone straight to my room after dinner. Everything was white, it reminded me of an asylum, they had wanted to throw Aunt Imogene in one. But after my pleas not to and the fact that she had lots of money, she wasn't let in.

I took off the covers and walked over to the door, which was unlocked. I still had my red nightgown, which looked very wrongly placed in all the white surrounding me.

I wandered around looking for someone to tell me what this place was. Eventually I stumbled upon a throne room where I found Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the white rabbit, the dodo bird and the little white mouse talking to a lady dressed in a white gown in hushed voices.

Why hadn't I realized it before, I was at the White Queen's castle. But how had I gotten here? And what happened to Jack?


Sorry for the late chapter I ha a bit of stuff to do today before I could actually sit and re-read/write anything.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Alice In Wonderland (King of Hearts x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now